7.4.2. Replicator States During Operations

During a maintenance operation, a node will typically go through the following states at different points of the operation:

Operation State
Node operating normally ONLINE
Administrator puts node into offline state GOING-OFFLINE
Node is offline OFFLINE:NORMAL
Administrator puts node into online state GOING-ONLINE:SYNCHRONIZING
Node catches up with Extractor ONLINE

In the event of a failure, the sequence will trigger the node into the error state and then recovery into the online state:

Operation State
Node operating normally ONLINE
Failure causes the node to go offline OFFLINE:ERROR
Administrator fixes error and puts node into online state GOING-ONLINE:SYNCHRONIZING
Node catches up with Extractor ONLINE

During an error state where a backup of the data is restored to a node in preparation of bringing the node back into operation:

Operation State
Node operating normally ONLINE
Failure causes the node to go offline OFFLINE:ERROR
Administrator restores node from backup data GOING-ONLINE:RESTORING
Once restore is complete, node synchronizes with the Extractor GOING-ONLINE:SYNCHRONIZING
Node catches up with Extractor ONLINE