6.10.1. Enabling Database SSL

The steps outlined below explain how to enable security within MySQL (If it is not already enabled by default in the release your are using). There are different approaches depending on the version/distribution of MySQL you are using. If in any doubt, you should consult the appropriate documentation pages for the MySQL release you are using. Enabling Database Level SSL with Amazon AWS Aurora

To enable Tungsten Replicator to communicate with Amazon Aurora, via SSL, the following simple steps can be followed.

  • Obtain the certificate from Amazon appropriate for the region that your Aurora instance in hosted. More information can be found here.

  • Copy the file to the Tungsten Replicator host into a directory of your choice.

  • Add the following properties to your configuration. (In this example our certificate is within /opt/continuent/share. Adjust to suit your environment)

    » serverCertificate=/opt/continuent/share/rds-ca-2019-eu-west-1.pem

  • You can now install, or if the replicator was already installed, issue an update