7.14.1.  Upgrading Tungsten Replicator using tpm

To upgrade an existing installation, the new distribution must be downloaded and unpacked, and the included tpm command used to update the installation. The upgrade process implies a small period of downtime for the replicator as the updated versions of the tools are restarted, but downtime is deliberately kept to a minimum, and the replicator should be in the same operational state once the upgrade has finished as it was when the upgrade was started.


Before performing an upgrade, please ensure that you have checked the Appendix B, Prerequisites and the appropriate Release Notes for the version you are upgrading, as software and system requirements may have changed between versions and releases.

The method for the upgrade process depends on whether you installed via the ini method or via the staging method

Upgrading an ini based Installation

  1. On each host in your deployment, download the release package and place this in your staging directory, typically /opt/continuent/software.

  2. Unpack the release package:

    shell> tar zxf tungsten-replicator-6.1.25-6.tar.gz
  3. Change to the unpackaged directory:

    shell> cd tungsten-replicator-6.1.25-6
  4. Run the validation process:

    shell> ./tools/tpm validate-update


    The validate process will check that pre-requisities are in place and that tpm can safely upgrade the software. Any errors that are reported should be handled before proceding

  5. Run the upgrade process:

    shell> ./tools/tpm update --replace-release

The update process should now be complete. The current version can be confirmed by using trepctl status.

Upgrading a staging based installation

  1. Download the release package and place this in the staging directory on your staging host, typically /opt/continuent/software.

    If you are unsure which host and directory this should be, execute the following on any host:

    shell> tpm query staging

    The output of this command will display the host and directory

  2. Unpack the release package:

    shell> tar zxf tungsten-replicator-6.1.25-6.tar.gz
  3. Change to the unpackaged directory:

    shell> cd tungsten-replicator-6.1.25-6
  4. Fetch a copy of the existing configuration information:

    shell> ./tools/tpm fetch --hosts=host1,host2,autodetect --user=tungsten --directory=/opt/continuent


    You must use the version of tpm from within the staging directory (./tools/tpm) of the new release, not the tpm installed with the current release.

    The fetch command to tpm supports the following arguments:

    • --hosts

      A comma-separated list of the known hosts in the deployment. If autodetect is included, then tpm will attempt to determine other hosts in the deployment by checking the configuration files for host values.

    • --user

      The username to be used when logging in to other hosts.

    • --directory

      The installation directory of the current Tungsten Replicator installation. If autodetect is specified, then tpm will look for the installation directory by checking any running Tungsten Replicator processes.

    The current configuration information will be retrieved to be used for the upgrade:

    shell> ./tools/tpm fetch --hosts=host1,host2 --directory=/opt/continuent --user=tungsten
    NOTE  >> Configuration loaded from host1,host2
  5. Run the validation process:

    shell> ./tools/tpm validate-update


    The validate process will check that pre-requisities are in place and that tpm can safely upgrade the software on all hosts. Any errors that are reported should be handled before proceding

  6. Run the upgrade process:

    shell> ./tools/tpm update --replace-release

The update process should now be complete. The current version can be confirmed by using trepctl status.