6.6. Installing via INI File with CA-Signed Certificates

  • This procedure will take a signed certificate from a known Certificate Authority and use it as the basis for all SSL operations within the replicator.

  • The below example procedure assumes that you have an existing, installed and running Primary/Replica topology with security enabled by setting disable-security-controls=false

    Assume a simple topology with with member hosts db1 and db2


    In all examples below, because you are updating an existing secure installation, the password tungsten is required, do not change it.

  • Select one node to create the proper set of certs, i.e. db1:

    shell> su - tungsten
    shell> mkdir /etc/tungsten/secure
    shell> mkdir ~/certs
    shell> cd ~/certs
  • Copy the available files (CA cert, Intermediate cert (if needed), signed cert and signing key) into ~/certs/, i.e.:

  • Create a pkcs12 (.p12) version of the signed certificate:

    shell> openssl pkcs12 -export -in ~/certs/signed.crt.pem -inkey ~/certs/signing.key.pem \
      -out ~/certs/tungsten_sec.crt.p12 -name replserver
    Enter Export Password: tungsten
    Verifying - Enter Export Password: tungsten


    When using OpenSSL 3.0 with Java 1.8, you MUST add the -legacy option to the openssl command.

  • Create a pkcs12-based keystore (.jks) version of the signed certificate:

    shell> keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass tungsten -destkeystore /etc/tungsten/secure/tungsten_keystore.jks \
      -srckeystore ~/certs/tungsten_sec.crt.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -deststoretype pkcs12
    Importing keystore /home/tungsten/certs/tungsten_sec.crt.p12 to /etc/tungsten/secure/tungsten_keystore.jks...
    Enter source keystore password:  tungsten
    Entry for alias replserver successfully imported.
    Import command completed:  1 entries successfully imported, 0 entries failed or cancelled
  • Import the Certificate Authority's certificate into the keystore:

    shell> keytool -import -alias careplserver -file ~/certs/ca.crt.pem -keypass tungsten \
      -keystore /etc/tungsten/secure/tungsten_keystore.jks -storepass tungsten
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
  • Import the Certificate Authority's intermediate certificate (if supplied) into the keystore:

    shell> keytool -import -alias interreplserver -file ~/certs/int.crt.pem -keypass tungsten \
      -keystore /etc/tungsten/secure/tungsten_keystore.jks -storepass tungsten
    Certificate was added to keystore
  • Export the cert from the keystore into file client.cer for use in the next step to create the truststore:

    shell> keytool -export -alias replserver -file ~/certs/client.cer \
      -keystore /etc/tungsten/secure/tungsten_keystore.jks
    Enter keystore password:  tungsten
    Certificate stored in file </home/tungsten/certs/client.cer>
  • Create the truststore:

    shell> keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias replserver -file ~/certs/client.cer \
      -keystore /etc/tungsten/secure/tungsten_truststore.ts -storepass tungsten -noprompt
    Certificate was added to keystore
  • Create the rmi_jmx password store entry:

    shell> tpasswd -c tungsten tungsten -t rmi_jmx -p /etc/tungsten/secure/passwords.store -e \
      -ts /etc/tungsten/secure/tungsten_truststore.ts -tsp tungsten
    Using parameters: 
    security.properties 		 = /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/../cluster-home/conf/security.properties
    password.file.location 		 = /etc/tungsten/secure/passwords.store
    encrypted.password 		 = true
    truststore.location 		 = /etc/tungsten/secure/tungsten_truststore.ts
    truststore.password 		 = *********
    Creating non existing file: /etc/tungsten/secure/passwords.store
    User created successfuly: tungsten
  • Create the tls password store entry:

    shell> tpasswd -c tungsten tungsten -t unknown -p /etc/tungsten/secure/passwords.store -e \
      -ts /etc/tungsten/secure/tungsten_truststore.ts -tsp tungsten
    Using parameters: 
    security.properties 		 = /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/../cluster-home/conf/security.properties
    password.file.location 		 = /etc/tungsten/secure/passwords.store
    encrypted.password 		 = true
    truststore.location 		 = /etc/tungsten/secure/tungsten_truststore.ts
    truststore.password 		 = ********
    User created successfuly: tungsten
  • List and verify the user for each security service password store entry, rmi_jmx and tls (which has a display tag of unknown):

    shell> tpasswd -l -p /etc/tungsten/secure/passwords.store -ts /etc/tungsten/secure/tungsten_truststore.ts
    Using parameters: 
    security.properties 		 = /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/../cluster-home/conf/security.properties
    password.file.location 		 = ./passwords.store
    encrypted.password 		 = true
    truststore.location 		 = ./tungsten_truststore.ts
    truststore.password 		 = ********
    Listing users by application type:
  • On host db1, transfer the generated certificates to the same path on all remaining hosts:

    shell> for host in `seq 2 3`; do rsync -av /etc/tungsten/secure/ db$host:/etc/tungsten/secure/; done
  • Edit the /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini configuration file on all nodes and add:



    When java-keystore-path is passed to tpm, the keystore must contain both tls and mysql certs when appropriate. tpm will NOT add mysql cert nor generate tls cert when this flag is found, so both certs must be manually imported already.

  • On ALL nodes, stop the replicator software, execute the update, then start the replicators:


    This procedure requires the complete restart of all layers of the Cluster, and will cause a brief downtime.

    shell> tpm query staging
    shell> cd {staging_dir}
    shell> stopall
    shell> tools/tpm update --replace-release
    shell> startall