trepctl services Command

The trepctl services command outputs a list of the current replicator services configured in the system and their key parameters such as latest sequence numbers, latency, and state.

trepctl services [ -full ] [ -json ]

For example:

shell> trepctl services
Processing services command...
NAME              VALUE
----              -----
appliedLastSeqno: 2541
appliedLatency  : 0.48
role            : master
serviceName     : alpha
serviceType     : local
started         : true
state           : ONLINE
Finished services command...

For more information on the fields displayed, see Section E.2, “Generated Field Reference”.

For a replicator with multiple services, the information is output for each configured service:

shell> trepctl services
Processing services command...
NAME              VALUE
----              -----
appliedLastSeqno: 44
appliedLatency  : 0.692
role            : master
serviceName     : alpha
serviceType     : local
started         : true
state           : ONLINE
NAME              VALUE
----              -----
appliedLastSeqno: 40
appliedLatency  : 0.57
role            : slave
serviceName     : beta
serviceType     : remote
started         : true
state           : ONLINE
NAME              VALUE
----              -----
appliedLastSeqno: 41
appliedLatency  : 0.06
role            : slave
serviceName     : gamma
serviceType     : remote
started         : true
state           : ONLINE
Finished services command...

The information can be reported in JSON format by using the -json option to the command:

shell> trepctl services -json
      "serviceType" : "local",
      "appliedLatency" : "0.48",
      "serviceName" : "alpha",
      "appliedLastSeqno" : "2541",
      "started" : "true",
      "role" : "master",
      "state" : "ONLINE"

The information is output as an array of objects, one object for each service identified.

If the -full option is added, the JSON output includes full details of the service, similar to that output by the trepctl status command, but for each configured service:

shell> trepctl services -json -full
      "masterConnectUri" : "",
      "rmiPort" : "10000",
      "clusterName" : "default",
      "currentTimeMillis" : "1370256230198",
      "state" : "ONLINE",
      "maximumStoredSeqNo" : "2541",
      "minimumStoredSeqNo" : "0",
      "pendingErrorCode" : "NONE",
      "masterListenUri" : "thl://host1:2112/",
      "pendingErrorSeqno" : "-1",
      "pipelineSource" : "jdbc:mysql:thin://host1:3306/",
      "serviceName" : "alpha",
      "pendingErrorEventId" : "NONE",
      "appliedLatency" : "0.48",
      "transitioningTo" : "",
      "relativeLatency" : "245804.198",
      "role" : "master",
      "siteName" : "default",
      "pendingError" : "NONE",
      "uptimeSeconds" : "246023.627",
      "latestEpochNumber" : "2537",
      "extensions" : "",
      "dataServerHost" : "host1",
      "resourcePrecedence" : "99",
      "pendingExceptionMessage" : "NONE",
      "simpleServiceName" : "alpha",
      "sourceId" : "host1",
      "offlineRequests" : "NONE",
      "channels" : "1",
      "version" : "Tungsten Replicator 6.1.25 build 6",
      "seqnoType" : "java.lang.Long",
      "serviceType" : "local",
      "currentEventId" : "mysql-bin.000007:0000000000001033",
      "appliedLastEventId" : "mysql-bin.000007:0000000000001033;0",
      "timeInStateSeconds" : "245803.753",
      "appliedLastSeqno" : "2541",
      "started" : "true"
Version Support: 6.0.1

Starting with Tungsten Cluster 6.0.1, trepctl services supports the -r option to support auto-refresh.

For more information on the fields displayed, see Section E.2, “Generated Field Reference”.