Getting Detailed Status

More detailed information about selected areas of the replicator status can be obtained by using the -name option. Detailed Status: Channel Assignments

When using a single threaded replicator service, the trepctl status -name channel-assignments will output an empty status. In parallel replication deployments, the trepctl status -name channel-assignments listing will output the list of schemas and their assigned channels within the configured channel quantity configuration. For example, in the output below, only two channels are shown, although five channels were configured for parallel apply:

shell> trepctl status -name channel-assignments
Processing status command (channel-assignments)...
----      -----
channel : 0
shard_id: test
----      -----
channel : 0
shard_id: tungsten_alpha
Finished status command (channel-assignments)... Detailed Status: Services

The trepctl status -name services status output shows a list of the currently configure internal services that are defined within the replicator.

shell> trepctl status -name services
Processing status command (services)...
NAME              VALUE
----              -----
accessFailures  : 0
active          : true
maxChannel      : -1
name            : channel-assignment
storeClass      : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.channel.ChannelAssignmentService
totalAssignments: 0
Finished status command (services)... Detailed Status: Shards

The trepctl status -name shards status output lists the individual shards in operation, most useful when parallel apply has been configured within the replicator, showing a summary of last applied sequences and the corresponding binlog references.

In an environemnt not configured with parallel apply, the shards output will just show a single entry Detailed Status: Stages

The trepctl status -name stages status output lists the individual stages configured within the replicator, showing each stage, configuration, filters and other parameters applied at each replicator stage:

shell> trepctl status -name stages
Processing status command (stages)...
NAME                 VALUE
----                 -----
applier.class      : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.THLStoreApplier
applier.name       : thl-applier
blockCommitRowCount: 1
committedMinSeqno  : 15
extractor.class    : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.RemoteTHLExtractor
extractor.name     : thl-remote
name               : remote-to-thl
processedMinSeqno  : -1
taskCount          : 1
NAME                 VALUE
----                 -----
applier.class      : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.THLParallelQueueApplier
applier.name       : parallel-q-applier
blockCommitRowCount: 10
committedMinSeqno  : 15
extractor.class    : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.THLStoreExtractor
extractor.name     : thl-extractor
name               : thl-to-q
processedMinSeqno  : -1
taskCount          : 1
NAME                 VALUE
----                 -----
applier.class      : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.applier.MySQLDrizzleApplier
applier.name       : dbms
blockCommitRowCount: 10
committedMinSeqno  : 15
extractor.class    : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.THLParallelQueueExtractor
extractor.name     : parallel-q-extractor
filter.0.class     : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.filter.TimeDelayFilter
filter.0.name      : delay
filter.1.class     : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.filter.MySQLSessionSupportFilter
filter.1.name      : mysqlsessions
filter.2.class     : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.filter.PrimaryKeyFilter
filter.2.name      : pkey
name               : q-to-dbms
processedMinSeqno  : -1
taskCount          : 5
Finished status command (stages)... Detailed Status: Stores

The trepctl status -name stores status output lists the individual internal stores used for replicating THL data. This includes both physical (on disk) THL storage and in-memory storage. This includes the sequence number, file size and retention information.

For example, the information shown below is taken from a Primary service, showing the stages, binlog-to-q which reads the information from the binary log, and the in-memory q-to-thl that writes the information to THL.

shell> trepctl status -name stages
Processing status command (stages)...
NAME                 VALUE
----                 -----
applier.class      : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.storage.InMemoryQueueAdapter
applier.name       : queue
blockCommitRowCount: 1
committedMinSeqno  : 224
extractor.class    : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.extractor.mysql.MySQLExtractor
extractor.name     : dbms
name               : binlog-to-q
processedMinSeqno  : 224
taskCount          : 1
NAME                 VALUE
----                 -----
applier.class      : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.THLStoreApplier
applier.name       : autoflush-thl-applier
blockCommitRowCount: 10
committedMinSeqno  : 224
extractor.class    : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.storage.InMemoryQueueAdapter
extractor.name     : queue
name               : q-to-thl
processedMinSeqno  : 224
taskCount          : 1
Finished status command (stages)...

When running parallel replication, the output shows the store name, sequence number and status information for each parallel replication channel:

shell> trepctl status -name stores
Processing status command (stores)...
NAME                      VALUE
----                      -----
activeSeqno             : 15
doChecksum              : false
flushIntervalMillis     : 0
fsyncOnFlush            : false
logConnectionTimeout    : 28800
logDir                  : /opt/continuent/thl/alpha
logFileRetainMillis     : 604800000
logFileSize             : 100000000
maximumStoredSeqNo      : 16
minimumStoredSeqNo      : 0
name                    : thl
readOnly                : false
storeClass              : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.THL
timeoutMillis           : 2147483647
NAME                      VALUE
----                      -----
criticalPartition       : -1
discardCount            : 0
estimatedOfflineInterval: 0.0
eventCount              : 1
headSeqno               : 16
intervalGuard           : AtomicIntervalGuard (array is empty)
maxDelayInterval        : 60
maxOfflineInterval      : 5
maxSize                 : 10
name                    : parallel-queue
queues                  : 5
serializationCount      : 0
serialized              : false
stopRequested           : false
store.0                 : THLParallelReadTask task_id=0 thread_name=store-thl-0 »
                          hi_seqno=16 lo_seqno=16 read=1 accepted=1 discarded=0 events=0
store.1                 : THLParallelReadTask task_id=1 thread_name=store-thl-1 »
                          hi_seqno=16 lo_seqno=16 read=1 accepted=0 discarded=1 events=0
store.2                 : THLParallelReadTask task_id=2 thread_name=store-thl-2 »
                          hi_seqno=16 lo_seqno=16 read=1 accepted=0 discarded=1 events=0
store.3                 : THLParallelReadTask task_id=3 thread_name=store-thl-3 »
                          hi_seqno=16 lo_seqno=16 read=1 accepted=0 discarded=1 events=0
store.4                 : THLParallelReadTask task_id=4 thread_name=store-thl-4 »
                          hi_seqno=16 lo_seqno=16 read=1 accepted=0 discarded=1 events=0
storeClass              : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.THLParallelQueue
syncInterval            : 10000
Finished status command (stores)... Detailed Status: Tasks

The trepctl status -name tasks command outputs the current list of active tasks within a given service, with one block for each stage within the replicator service.

shell> trepctl status -name tasks
Processing status command (tasks)...
NAME                    VALUE
----                    -----
appliedLastEventId    : mysql-bin.000038:0000000011253929;-1
appliedLastSeqno      : 1604
appliedLatency        : 8.779
applyTime             : 0.015
averageBlockSize      : 3.500     
cancelled             : false
commits               : 4
currentBlockSize      : 0
currentLastEventId    : mysql-bin.000038:0000000011253929;-1
currentLastFragno     : 11
currentLastSeqno      : 1604
eventCount            : 14
extractTime           : 60.173
filterTime            : 0.109
lastCommittedBlockSize: 12
lastCommittedBlockTime: 59.145
otherTime             : 0.004
stage                 : binlog-to-q
state                 : extract
taskId                : 0
timeInCurrentEvent    : 8804.187
NAME                    VALUE
----                    -----
appliedLastEventId    : mysql-bin.000038:0000000011253929;-1
appliedLastSeqno      : 1604
appliedLatency        : 10.613
applyTime             : 5.247
averageBlockSize      : 2.800     
cancelled             : false
commits               : 5
currentBlockSize      : 0
currentLastEventId    : mysql-bin.000038:0000000011253929;-1
currentLastFragno     : 11
currentLastSeqno      : 1604
eventCount            : 14
extractTime           : 56.858
filterTime            : 0.02
lastCommittedBlockSize: 12
lastCommittedBlockTime: 5.092
otherTime             : 0.028
stage                 : q-to-thl
state                 : extract
taskId                : 0
timeInCurrentEvent    : 8802.323
Finished status command (tasks)...

The list of tasks and information provided depends on the role of the host, the number of stages, and whether parallel apply is enabled. Detailed Status: Watches

The trepctl status -name watches command outputs the current list of tasks the replicator is waiting on before a specific action.

For example, if you issue trepctl offline-deferred -at-seqno x, the the output of watches will show the stages waiting on the specific seqno.

The following example show the use of offline-deferred and the subsequent resulting output from watches

shell> trepctl offline-deferred -at-seqno 234
shell> trepctl status -name watches
Processing status command (watches)...
----       -----
action   : cancel tasks
cancelled: false
committed: false
done     : false
matched  : [[0:false]]
predicate: SeqnoWatchPredicate seqno=234
stage    : remote-to-thl
----       -----
action   : cancel tasks
cancelled: false
committed: false
done     : false
matched  : [[0:false]]
predicate: SeqnoWatchPredicate seqno=234
stage    : thl-to-q
----       -----
action   : cancel tasks
cancelled: false
committed: false
done     : false
matched  : [[0:false]]
predicate: SeqnoWatchPredicate seqno=234
stage    : q-to-dbms
Finished status command (watches)...