The trepctl pause command allows you to pause a specific stage of the replicator, either indefinitely or for a specific time.
trepctl pause [ -stage stage-to-pause
] [ -time value-in-seconds
Table 8.29. trepctl pause Command Options
Option | Description |
-stage stage-to-pause | Used to specify the stage to pause, for example thl-to-q |
-time value-in-seconds | Used to specify the time for a stage to remain paused. Specify in seconds. If not supplied, stage will pause indefinitely, or until a resume command is issued, or until the replicator is restarted. |
To pause the thl-to-q stage of the replicator use the standard form of the command:
shell> trepctl pause -stage thl-to-q
To pause the thl-to-q stage of the replicator for 2 minutes (120 seconds) use the command:
shell> trepctl pause -stage thl-to-q -time 120
If no time specified, the stage will remain paused until a resume command is issued, or until the replicator is restarted