11.3.4. Datasource Status

A datasource within a cluster could either refer to the entire cluster service itself, or a specific host.

To list the status of the datasource at the cluster level, the following call can be used

GET https://localhost:8090/api/v2/manager/status/service/usa/datasource/west

This will return the following DatasourceStatusPayload

    "payloadType": "DatasourceStatusPayload",
    "payloadVersion": "1",
    "payload": {
        "name": "west",
        "service": "usa",
        "role": "master",
        "state": "ONLINE",
        "connections": {
            "active": 0,
            "created": 0
        "seqno": -1,
        "appliedLatency": 1.254,
        "relativeLatency": 0.0,
        "standby": false,
        "archive": false,
        "witness": false

Similarly, to list the status of the datasource at the host level, the following call can be used

GET https://localhost:8090/api/v2/manager/status/service/west/datasource/db1

This will return the following DatasourceStatusPayload

    "payloadType": "DatasourceStatusPayload",
    "payloadVersion": "1",
    "payload": {
        "name": "db1",
        "service": "west",
        "role": "master",
        "state": "ONLINE",
        "connections": {
            "active": 42,
            "created": 128
        "seqno": 12856,
        "appliedLatency": 0.745,
        "relativeLatency": 1.647,
        "standby": false,
        "archive": false,
        "witness": false