Chapter 4. Deployment: Advanced

Table of Contents

4.1. Deploying Parallel Replication
4.1.1. Application Prerequisites for Parallel Replication
4.1.2. Enabling Parallel Apply During Install
4.1.3. Channels
4.1.4. Parallel Replication and Offline Operation
4.1.5. Adjusting Parallel Replication After Installation
4.1.6. Monitoring Parallel Replication
4.1.7. Controlling Assignment of Shards to Channels
4.1.8. Disk vs. Memory Parallel Queues
4.2. Distributed Datasource Groups
4.2.1. Introduction to DDG
4.2.2. How DDG Works
4.2.3. Configuring DDG
4.3. Starting and Stopping Tungsten Cluster
4.3.1. Restarting the Replicator Service
4.3.2. Restarting the Connector Service
4.3.3. Restarting the Manager Service
4.3.4. Restarting the Multi-Site/Active-Active Replicator Service
4.4. Configuring Startup on Boot
4.4.1. Configuring Multi-Site/Active-Active Replicator Startup on Boot
4.5. Upgrading Tungsten Cluster
4.5.1. Upgrading using the Staging Method (with ssh Access)
4.5.2. Upgrading when using INI-based configuration, or without ssh Access
4.5.3. Upgrade/Convert: From Multi-Site/Active-Active (MSAA) to Composite Active/Passive (CAP)
4.5.4. Upgrade/Convert: From Multi-Site/Active-Active (MSAA) to Composite Active/Active (CAA)
4.5.5. Installing an Upgraded JAR Patch
4.5.6. Installing Patches
4.5.7. Upgrading to v7.0.0+
4.6. Removing Datasources, Managers or Connectors
4.6.1. Removing a Datasource from an Existing Deployment
4.6.2. Removing a Composite Datasource/Cluster from an Existing Deployment
4.6.3. Removing a Connector from an Existing Deployment

The following sections provide guidance and instructions for creating advanced deployments, including configuration automatic startup and shutdown during boot procedures, upgrades, downgrades, and removal of Tungsten Cluster.