12.2. Enabling Additional Filters

The Tungsten Replicator configuration includes a number of filter configurations by default. However, not all filters are given a default configuration, and for some filters, multiple configurations may be needed to achieve more complex filtering requirements. Internally, filter configuration is defined through a property file that defines the filter name and corresponding parameters.

For example, the rename configuration is defined as follows:


The first line creates a new filter configuration using the corresponding Java class. In this case, the filter is named rename, as defined by the string replicator.filter.rename.

Configuration parameters for the filter are defined as values after the filter name. In this example, definitionsFile is the name of the property examined by the class to set the CSV file where the rename definitions are located.

To create an entirely new filter based on an existing filter class, a new property should created with the new filter definition in the configuration file.

Additional properties from this base should then be used. For example, to create a second rename filter definition called custom:


The filter can be enabled against the desired stage using the filter name custom:

shell> ./tools/tpm configure \