5.13.3. Configuring Connector SSL

SSL communication is supported for Tungsten Connector in three different possible combinations:

  • SSL from the application to Tungsten Connector; Non-SSL connections from Tungsten Connector to MySQL

  • Non-SSL from the application to Tungsten Connector; SSL connections from Tungsten Connector to MySQL

  • SSL from the application to Tungsten Connector; SSL connections from Tungsten Connector to MySQL

There are three different tpm properties that control SSL for the connectors when using Proxy mode, these are:

Additionally, connector-ssl-capable can be used to control whether the connector advertises that it is SSL capable to clients. When SSL is enabled, this property is also enabled. With some clients, this triggers them to use SSL even if SSL has not been configured. This causes the connections to fail and not operate correctly. In those situations, setting this value to false would be appropriate

The connector also supports application connections using either SSL or Non-SSL communication on the same TCP/IP port. This allows you to choose SSL communication without changing your application ports.

To enable SSL communication with Tungsten Connector you must create suitable certificates keys and keystores, as described in Chapter 5, Deployment: Security. The keystores used for Tungsten Connector can be the same, or different, to the keystores used for securing the manager and replication communication.


Please note that when operating in Bridge mode, the Connector is only involved in picking the correct server. In this situation the SSL configuration will be identical to the regular MySQL SSL setup, as explained in the MySQL documentation located here: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/using-encrypted-connections.html

Connector SSL will be enabled by default during installation, the connector-ssl option can be used to explicitly enable this if required disable-security-controls=true

Before changing the property and enabling Connector SSL, a number of other steps first need to be accomplished.


If you are installing a new cluster you only need to ensure database SSL has been configured. Everything else will be handled. If you are configuring connector SSL as a post-installation task, then this document explains tha various steps required. Enable and Test SSL encryption from the Connector to the Database

  1. Convert MySQL Client Cert to pkcs12 format

    shell> openssl pkcs12 -export \
    -inkey $MYSQL_CERTS_PATH/client-key.pem \
    -in $MYSQL_CERTS_PATH/client-cert.pem \
    -out $MYSQL_CERTS_PATH/client-cert.p12 \
    -passout pass:secret
  2. Create tungsten_connector_keystore.jks

    shell> keytool -importkeystore \
    -srckeystore $MYSQL_CERTS_PATH/client-cert.p12 \
    -srcstoretype PKCS12 \
    -destkeystore $CONN_CERTS_PATH/tungsten_connector_keystore.jks \
    -deststorepass secret \
    -srcstorepass secret
  3. Import the CA Cert into the KeyStore

    shell> keytool -import -alias mysqlServerCACert -file $MYSQL_CERTS_PATH/ca-cert.pem \
    -keystore $CONN_CERTS_PATH/tungsten_connector_keystore.jks \
    -storepass secret -noprompt
  4. Import the CA Cert into the TrustStore

    shell> keytool -import -alias mysqlServerCACert -file $MYSQL_CERTS_PATH/ca-cert.pem \
    -keystore $CONN_CERTS_PATH/tungsten_connector_truststore.ts \
    -storepass secret -noprompt
  5. For INI-based deployments only, copy the certs to all Connector nodes (repeat as needed so that every Connector node has the same certificates)

    shell> rsync -av $CONN_CERTS_PATH/ connectorHost:$CONN_CERTS_PATH/
  6. Set proper ownership and permissions on ALL Connector nodes

    shell> sudo chown tungsten: $CONN_CERTS_PATH/tungsten_connector_*
  7. Add the new MySQL user to the Connector's user.map config file.

    See Section 7.6.1, “user.map File Format” for more information.

    shell> vi /opt/continuent/tungsten/tungsten-connector/conf/user.map
    ssl_user secret theSvcName
  8. Update the Connector configuration to enable SSL

    • Staging Method

      Update all nodes (DB & Connector) in the cluster

      shell> tpm query staging
      shell> cd {STAGING_DIR}
      shell> tools/tpm configure {yourServiceName} \
      --connector-ssl=true \
      --java-connector-keystore-password=secret \
      --java-connector-truststore-password=secret \
      --java-connector-truststore-path=$CONN_CERTS_PATH/tungsten_connector_truststore.ts \
      shell> tools/tpm update
    • INI Method

      Repeat these two steps on each node (DB & Connector)

      shell> vi /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini
      # enable SSL from the connector to the DB
      shell> tpm update
  9. Test SSL connectivity through the connector

    1. Connect as the default application user

      shell> tpm connector
    2. Check the connection status


      Expecting "SSL.IN=false SSL.OUT=true"

      SSL.IN is false because the the tpm connector command calls the mysql client in non-SSL mode.

      SSL.OUT is true because the connection to the database is encrypted, even if the connection from the mysql client is not.

      This can be verified with the "sudo tcpdump -X port 13306" command. Without the encryption, queries and responses are sent in plaintext and are visible in the output of tcpdump. When encryption is enabled, the queries and results are no longer visible.

      mysql> tungsten connection status;
      | Message                                                                     |
      | db1@east(master:ONLINE) STATUS(OK), QOS=RW_STRICT SSL.IN=false SSL.OUT=true |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    3. Check the SSL status


      Expecting "SSL: Not in use"

      SSL is not in use because the the tpm connector command calls the mysql client in non-SSL mode.

      The connection to the database is encrypted, even if the connection from the mysql client is not.

      This can be verified with the "sudo tcpdump -X port 13306" command. Without the encryption, queries and responses are sent in plaintext and are visible in the output of tcpdump. When encryption is enabled, the queries and results are no longer visible.

      mysql> status
      mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.42-37.1, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
      Connection id:      70
      Current database:   
      Current user:      app_user@app1
      SSL:         Not in use
      Current pager:      stdout
      Using outfile:      ''
      Using delimiter:   ;
      Server version:      5.5.42-37.1-log-tungsten Percona Server (GPL), Release 37.1, Revision 39acee0
      Protocol version:   10
      Connection:      app1 via TCP/IP
      Server characterset:   latin1
      Db     characterset:   latin1
      Client characterset:   latin1
      Conn.  characterset:   latin1
      TCP port:      3306
      Uptime:         2 hours 27 min 53 sec
      Threads: 4  Questions: 41474  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 47 
      Flush tables: 2  Open tables: 10  Queries per second avg: 4.674


If you are able to login to MySQL and see that the "tungsten connection status;" is SSL.OUT=true, then you have successfully configured the communication between the Connector and MySQL to use SSL. Test SSL encryption from the Application to the Database

  1. Connect as the SSL-enabled application user through the Connector host

    shell> mysql -u ssl_user -psecret -h -P 3306 --ssl-ca=/etc/mysql/certs/ca-cert.pem
  2. Check the connection status


    Expecting "SSL.IN=true SSL.OUT=true"

    SSL.IN is true because the mysql client was invoked in SSL mode. Communications from the mysql client to the connector are encrypted.

    SSL.out is true because the connection to the Database from the Connector is encrypted.

    mysql> tungsten connection status;
    | Message                                                                    |
    | db1@east(master:ONLINE) STATUS(OK), QOS=RW_STRICT SSL.IN=true SSL.OUT=true |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  3. Check the SSL status


    Expecting "Cipher in use is XXX-XXX-XXXXXX-XXX"

    SSL is in use because the mysql client was invoked in SSL mode.

    The connection from the mysql client to the database is encrypted.

    mysql> status
    mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.42-37.1, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
    Connection id:      68
    Current database:   
    Current user:      ssl_user@app1
    SSL:         Cipher in use is DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
    Current pager:      stdout
    Using outfile:      ''
    Using delimiter:   ;
    Server version:      5.5.42-37.1-log-tungsten Percona Server (GPL), Release 37.1, Revision 39acee0
    Protocol version:   10
    Connection:      app1 via TCP/IP
    Server characterset:   latin1
    Db     characterset:   latin1
    Client characterset:   latin1
    Conn.  characterset:   latin1
    TCP port:      3306
    Uptime:         2 hours 33 min 32 sec
    Threads: 4  Questions: 43065  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 47 
    Flush tables: 2  Open tables: 10  Queries per second avg: 4.674


If you are able to login to MySQL and see that the "tungsten connection status;" is "SSL.IN=true SSL.OUT=true", and the "status;" contains "Cipher in use is XXX-XXX-XXXXXX-XXX", then you have successfully configured SSL-encrypted communication between the Application/Client and MySQL through the Connector.