10.4.6. Using the translatetoini.pl Script

You can download a script from the documentation library, translatetoini.pl. You must have a copy of Perl installed to be able to execute the script.

To use the script, you can either run the script and paste in the staging output, or pipe the output from tpm reverse directly into the script. When supplying the staging output, you should supply the output from the within the configured staging directory. For example:

shell> ./tools/tpm reverse|../translatetoini.pl 

The script will create the file tungsten.ini in the current directory containing the converted output.

To change the destination, use the --filename option:

shell> ./tools/tpm reverse|../translatetoini.pl --filename=t.ini

You can also combine multiple staging configurations into a single INI conversion by appending to an existing INI file by adding the --append option:

shell> ./tools/tpm reverse|../translatetoini.pl --append

You should always check the INI file before using it for a live installation to ensure that all of the options and parameters have been identified and configured properly.

A training video is available on how to perform the staging to INI file conversion using the translatetoini.pl script:

Click here for a video of the INI conversion procedure, showing the full process from start to finish...