tpm keep command is designed to streamline saving the current Tungsten Replicator position for each service in a variety of formats:
dsctl get as .json
dsctl get -ascmd as .cmd
mysqldump as .dmp
tpm keep [args]
Table 10.20. tpm keep Options
Option | Description |
--all , -a | Dump all available tungsten_* schemas instead of using the list from trepctl services |
--debug , -d | Displays debug-level status messages. |
--dir | Specify the target directory to store files in. |
--dryrun , -n | Do not execute the command, display what would be done instead. |
--nodump | Skip the mysqldump step. |
--extra , -x | Display the command to be run before executing. |
--help , -h | Displays a help message. |
--info , -i | Displays info-level status messages |
--list , -l | Display tracking schema instead of saving to disk. |
--long , -L | Display other additional information when available. |
--noget | Skip the dsctl get step. |
--quiet , -q | Hides status output whenever possible |
--service , -s | Specify the service name(s) to save as comma separated list, default: all |
--verbose , -v | Displays verbose-level status messages. |
There are two distinct gathering steps:
Step 1: Run dsctl twice per service (.json and .cmd)
Skip this step with --noget
Step 1 requires that the database server be running
Step 2: Run mysqldump once per schema (.dmp)
This step will be skipped for non-MySQL Replicator only targets
Skip this step with --nodump
Step 2 requires that the database server be running
Gather all available tungsten_* schemas using --all