Using tpm cert copy

The copy command transfers the directory or file represented by the specified {typeSpec} to one or more cluster nodes.

Usage: tpm cert copy {typeSpec} [options]

{typeSpec} must be one of:

  • all|a - Do both share and gen copies

  • certs|c|generated|g|tungsten|t - Rsync the $CONTINUENT_ROOT/generated/ directory

  • ini|i - Copy the /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini file

  • passwords|p - Copy only the $CONTINUENT_ROOT/share/passwords.store file

  • share|s|running|r|keys|k - Copy needed files in the $CONTINUENT_ROOT/share/ directory

[options] must be one of:

  • --extra|-x to show the command(s) executed

  • --long|-l to show the command output

  • --hosts to specify the list of target nodes

  • --list to display the list of target nodes

  • --local used only with with typeSpec passwords, also copy the passwords.store file to the $CONTINUENT_ROOT/generated/ directory


shell> tpm cert copy share --list
shell> tpm cert copy share
shell> tpm cert copy gen
shell> tpm cert copy ini
shell> tpm cert copy passwords
shell> tpm cert copy passwords --local
shell> tpm cert copy all