11.4.1. Replicator Endpoints

The following endpoints are available for the whole replicator :

  • services

  • status

  • version

  • online

  • offline

  • purge

  • reset services

The replicators existing services can be listed with GET request as follows

GET ''

The output will look like

  "payloadType": "ServicesPayload",
  "payloadVersion": "1",
  "payload": [
      "serviceType": "unknown",
      "appliedLastSeqno": -1,
      "relativeLatency": -1,
      "role": "slave",
      "appliedLatency": -1,
      "masterConnectUri": "thl://centos1:2112/",
      "started": true,
      "state": "OFFLINE:ERROR",
      "serviceName": "east"
      "serviceType": "local",
      "appliedLastSeqno": 28,
      "relativeLatency": 434041.992,
      "role": "master",
      "appliedLatency": 1.138,
      "masterConnectUri": "thls://localhost:/",
      "started": true,
      "state": "ONLINE",
      "serviceName": "west"
} status

The status of the replicator services will be retrieved using a GET request as follows

GET ''

This will show the individual status of all the replicator services, as this example shows:

  "payloadType": "ReplicatorStatusPayload",
  "payloadVersion": "1",
  "payload": {
    "east": {
      "appliedLastEventId": "NONE",
      "appliedLastSeqno": -1,
      "appliedLatency": -1,
      "autoRecoveryEnabled": false,
      "autoRecoveryTotal": 0,
      "channels": -1,
      "clusterName": "east",
      "currentEventId": "NONE",
      "currentTimeMillis": 1646836106399,
      "dataServerHost": "continuent4",
      "extensions": "",
      "host": "continuent4",
      "latestEpochNumber": -1,
      "masterConnectUri": "thl://centos1:2112/",
      "masterListenUri": "thl://continuent4:2112/",
      "maximumStoredSeqNo": -1,
      "minimumStoredSeqNo": -1,
      "offlineRequests": "NONE",
      "pendingError": "Event application failed: seqno=10 fragno=0 message=Table »
          mats.ct1351 not found in database. Unable to generate a valid statement.",
      "pendingErrorCode": "NONE",
      "pendingErrorEventId": "mysql-bin.000015:0000000000368340;-1",
      "pendingErrorSeqno": 10,
      "pendingExceptionMessage": "Table mats.ct1351 not found in database. Unable »
          to generate a valid statement.",
      "pipelineSource": "UNKNOWN",
      "relativeLatency": -1,
      "resourceJdbcDriver": "org.drizzle.jdbc.DrizzleDriver",
      "resourceJdbcUrl": "jdbc:mysql:thin://continuent4:3306/${DBNAME}? »
          jdbcCompliantTruncation=false&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull& »
      "resourcePrecedence": 99,
      "resourceVendor": "mysql",
      "rmiPort": 10000,
      "role": "slave",
      "seqnoType": "java.lang.Long",
      "serviceName": "east",
      "serviceType": "unknown",
      "simpleServiceName": "east",
      "siteName": "default",
      "sourceId": "continuent4",
      "state": "OFFLINE:ERROR",
      "timeInStateSeconds": 434526.394,
      "timezone": "GMT",
      "transitioningTo": "",
      "uptimeSeconds": 434526.967,
      "useSSLConnection": false,
      "version": "Tungsten Replicator 7.0.0"
    "west": {
      "appliedLastEventId": "mysql-bin.000016:0000000000010112;-1",
      "appliedLastSeqno": 28,
      "appliedLatency": 1.138,
      "autoRecoveryEnabled": false,
      "autoRecoveryTotal": 0,
      "channels": 1,
      "clusterName": "west",
      "currentEventId": "mysql-bin.000016:0000000000010112",
      "currentTimeMillis": 1646836106401,
      "dataServerHost": "continuent4",
      "extensions": "",
      "host": "continuent4",
      "latestEpochNumber": 28,
      "masterConnectUri": "thls://localhost:/",
      "masterListenUri": "thls://continuent4:2112/",
      "maximumStoredSeqNo": 28,
      "minimumStoredSeqNo": 0,
      "offlineRequests": "NONE",
      "pendingError": "NONE",
      "pendingErrorCode": "NONE",
      "pendingErrorEventId": "NONE",
      "pendingErrorSeqno": -1,
      "pendingExceptionMessage": "NONE",
      "pipelineSource": "jdbc:mysql:thin://continuent4:3306/tungsten_west? »
          noPrepStmtCache=true&allowMultiQueries=true&stripQueryComments=false& »
          enabledProtocols=TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1&enabledCipherSuites= »
      "relativeLatency": 434526.401,
      "resourceJdbcDriver": "org.drizzle.jdbc.DrizzleDriver",
      "resourceJdbcUrl": "jdbc:mysql:thin://continuent4:3306/${DBNAME}? »
          jdbcCompliantTruncation=false&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull& »
      "resourcePrecedence": 99,
      "resourceVendor": "mysql",
      "rmiPort": 10000,
      "role": "master",
      "seqnoType": "java.lang.Long",
      "serviceName": "west",
      "serviceType": "local",
      "simpleServiceName": "west",
      "siteName": "default",
      "sourceId": "continuent4",
      "state": "ONLINE",
      "timeInStateSeconds": 434526.28,
      "timezone": "GMT",
      "transitioningTo": "",
      "uptimeSeconds": 434526.479,
      "useSSLConnection": true,
      "version": "Tungsten Replicator 7.0.0"

Optional parameters can be added to specify the kind of status. the following parameters are:

  • channel_assignments

  • services

  • shards

  • stages

  • stores

  • tasks

  • watches

For example, to view the status of tasks, issue:

GET ''

Which will produce output similar to the following example:

  "payloadType": "ReplicatorStatusByTypePayload",
  "payloadVersion": "1",
  "payload": {
    "type": "tasks",
    "status": {
      "west": [
          "lastCommittedBlockTime": "1.037",
          "currentLastSeqno": "28",
          "extractTime": "1.034",
          "currentLastEventId": "mysql-bin.000016:0000000000010112;-1",
          "eventCount": "1",
          "filterTime": "0.0",
          "appliedLastSeqno": "28",
          "averageBlockSize": "0.500     ",
          "appliedLastEventId": "mysql-bin.000016:0000000000010112;-1",
          "stage": "binlog-to-q",
          "currentBlockSize": "0",
          "appliedLatency": "1.123",
          "cancelled": "false",
          "commits": "2",
          "otherTime": "0.0",
          "timeInCurrentEvent": "434695.351",
          "currentLastFragno": "0",
          "state": "extract",
          "applyTime": "0.0",
          "taskId": "0",
          "lastCommittedBlockSize": "1"
          "lastCommittedBlockTime": "1.068",
          "currentLastSeqno": "28",
          "extractTime": "1.034",
          "currentLastEventId": "mysql-bin.000016:0000000000010112;-1",
          "eventCount": "1",
          "filterTime": "0.0",
          "appliedLastSeqno": "28",
          "averageBlockSize": "0.500     ",
          "appliedLastEventId": "mysql-bin.000016:0000000000010112;-1",
          "stage": "q-to-thl",
          "currentBlockSize": "0",
          "appliedLatency": "1.123",
          "cancelled": "false",
          "commits": "2",
          "otherTime": "0.001",
          "timeInCurrentEvent": "434695.336",
          "currentLastFragno": "0",
          "state": "extract",
          "applyTime": "0.015",
          "taskId": "0",
          "lastCommittedBlockSize": "1"
      "east": []
} version

This GET request returns the running version of the replicator

GET ''
  "payloadType": "StringPayload",
  "payloadVersion": "1",
  "payload": {
    "value": "Tungsten Replicator 7.0.0"

For more precise version of the replicator, another GET request can be used

GET ''
  "payloadType": "VersionPayload",
  "payloadVersion": "1",
  "payload": {
    "productName": "Tungsten Replicator",
    "versionMajor": 7,
    "versionMinor": 0,
    "versionRevision": 0,
    "versionBuild": null,
    "tungstenVersion": "Tungsten Replicator 7.0.0"
} offline/online

These endpoints allows putting all services online / offline.

This is a POST request sent, for example


This will return a task via a TaskPayload as below

  "payloadType": "TaskPayload",
  "payloadVersion": "1",
  "payload": {
    "taskId": "ecaed8a7-5b57-4a76-a1a5-a2de14d9cc79",
    "state": "in_progress",
    "operation": "OnlineTask"

Both operations accept an input payload (OnlinePayload / OfflinePayload). An example is shown below :

  "payloadType": "OnlinePayload",
  "payloadVersion": "1",
  "payload": {
    "options": [
} purge

This endpoint purges all non-tungsten connections connected to the different services.

This is a POST request as follows


A PurgePayload can be provided to specify a timeout. This will return a TaskPayload as an online call, for example. reset

This endpoint resets all replicator services.

This is a POST request as follows


A ResetPayload can be provided to specify what should be reseted, for exmaple:

  "payloadType": "ResetPayload",
  "payloadVersion": "1",
  "payload": {
    "type": "thl"

Valid values for the type are : all, db, thl, relay

This will return a TaskPayload as an online call, for example.