11.2.2. List and Set Proxy Configuration

Tungsten proxy configuration is divided into several categories. All categories can be listed using:

GET ''

For example:

GET ''

will return the product version and paths to the key and trust stores, wrapped inside a TungstenPropertiesPayload:

    "payloadType": "TungstenPropertiesPayload",
    "payloadVersion": "1",
    "payload": {
        "TungstenVersion": "Tungsten Proxy 7.0.0",
        "javax.net.ssl.trustStore": "../../tungsten-connector/conf/tungsten_truststore.ts",
        "javax.net.ssl.keyStore": "../../tungsten-connector/conf/tungsten_keystore.jks"

Changing a configuration value is done through a POST call with the value passed either as a URL parameter:

POST 'https://c1:8096/api/v2/connector/configuration/module/connector/sslCapable?value=true'

or as a JSON ConfigurationItemPayload

    "payloadType": "ConfigurationItemPayload",
    "payload": {
        "item": "sslCapable",
        "value": "true"