12.4.46. tosingledb.js Filter

This filter updates the replicated information so that it goes to an explicit schema, as defined by the user. The filter can be used to combine multiple tables to a single schema.

Pre-configured filter name tosingledb
JavaScript Filter File tungsten-replicator/support/filters-javascript/tosingledb.js
Property prefix replicator.filter.ansiquotes
Stage compatibility q-to-dbms
tpm Option compatibility --svc-applier-filters
Data compatibility Any event
Parameter Type Default Description
db string (none) Database name into which to replicate all tables
skip string (none) Comma-separated list of databases to be ignored

A database can be optionally ignored through the skip parameter within the configuration:

--property=replicator.filter.tosingledb.db=centraldb \

The above configures all data to be written into centraldb, but skips the database tungsten.

Similar to other filters, the filter operates by explicitly changing the schema name to the configured schema, unless the skipped schema is in the event data. For example, at a statement level:

if(oldDb!=null && oldDb.compareTo(skip)!=0)