A number of the filters that are included as part of Tungsten Cluster use a standardised form of configuration file that is designed to easy to use and familiar, while being flexible enough to support the needs of each filter. For the majority of filter configurations, the core focus of the configuration is based on a 'default' setting, and settings that are specific to a schema or table.
The JSON configuration follows this basic model. The following filters support the use of this JSON configuration file format:
The basic format of the configuration is a JSON file that is split into two sections:
A default section, which determines what will happen in the absence of a schema/table specific rule.
A collection of schema and table specific entries that determine what happens for a specific schema/table combination.
Depending on the filter and use case, the information within both sections can then either be further divided into column-specific information, or the information may be configured as key/value pairs, or objects, to configure individual parts of the filter configuration.
For example, the following configuration file is from the
"__default": {
"IGNORE" : "pkey"
"test" : {
"msg" : {
"msg" : "pkey"
The above shows the the defaults section, and the schema/table specific section.
Depending on the filter, the default section may merely be a placeholder
to indicate the format of the file. The
should never be
The sample shows a full schema name, table name, and then column name configuration.
By comparison, the sample below has only schema and table name information,
with the configuration within that section being used to define the
key/value pairs for specific operations as part of the
"__default": {
"INSERT" : "allow",
"DELETE" : "allow",
"UPDATE" : "allow"
"SCHEMA" : {
"TABLE" : {
"INSERT" : "allow",
"DELETE" : "deny",
"UPDATE" : "deny"
The selection and execution of the rules is determined by some specific rules, as detailed in Section 12.5.1, “Rule Handling and Processing” and Section 12.5.2, “Schema, Table, and Column Selection”.