12.1. Enabling/Disabling Filters

A number of standard filter configurations are created and defined by default within the static properties file for the Tungsten Replicator configuration.

Filters can be enabled through tpm to update the filter configuration

Properties and options for an individual filter can be specified by setting the corresponding property value on the tpm command-line.

For example, to ignore a database schema on a Applier, the replicate filter can be enabled, and the replicator.filter.replicate.ignore specifies the name of the schemas to be ignored. To ignore the schema contacts:

For staging edeployments:

shell> ./tools/tpm update alpha --hosts=host1,host2,host3 \
    --repl-svc-applier-filters=replicate \

For ini deployments:

shell> vi /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini


shell> tpm update

A bad filter configuration will not stop the replicator from starting, but the replicator will be placed into the OFFLINE state.

To disable a previously enabled filter for staging deployments, empty the filter specification and (optionally) unset the corresponding property or properties. For example:

shell> ./tools/tpm update alpha --hosts=host1,host2,host3 \
    --repl-svc-applier-filters= \

To disable a previously enabled filter for ini deployments, remove the values from the tungsten.ini file, and issue tpm update

Multiple filters can be applied on any stage, and the filters will be processed and called within the order defined within the configuration. For example, the following configuration:

shell> ./tools/tpm update alpha --hosts=host1,host2,host3 \
    --repl-svc-applier-filters=enumtostring,settostring,pkey \

The filters are called in order:

The order and sequence can be important if operations are being performed on the data and they are relied on later in the stage. For example, if data is being filtered by a value that exists in a SET column within the source data, the settostring filter must be defined before the data is filtered, otherwise the actual string value will not be identified.


In some cases, the filter order and sequence can also introduce errors. For example, when using the pkey filter and the optimizeupdates filters together, pkey may remove KEY information from the THL before optimizeupdates attempts to optimize the ROW event, causing the filter to raise a failure condition.

The currently active filters can be determined by using the trepctl status -name stages command:

shell> trepctl status -name stages
Processing status command (stages)...
NAME                 VALUE
----                 -----
applier.class      : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.applier.MySQLDrizzleApplier
applier.name       : dbms
blockCommitRowCount: 10
committedMinSeqno  : 3600
extractor.class    : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.thl.THLParallelQueueExtractor
extractor.name     : parallel-q-extractor
filter.0.class     : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.filter.MySQLSessionSupportFilter
filter.0.name      : mysqlsessions
filter.1.class     : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.filter.PrimaryKeyFilter
filter.1.name      : pkey
filter.2.class     : com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.filter.BidiRemoteSlaveFilter
filter.2.name      : bidiSlave
name               : q-to-dbms
processedMinSeqno  : -1
taskCount          : 5
Finished status command (stages)...

The above output is from a standard Applier replication installation showing the default filters enabled. The filter order can be determined by the number against each filter definition.