2.3. Deployment Sources

Tungsten Cluster is available in a number of different distribution types, and the methods for configuration available for these different packages differs. See Section 10.1, “Comparing Staging and INI tpm Methods” for more information on the available installation methods.

Deployment Type/Package TAR/GZip RPM
Staging Installation Yes No
INI File Configuration Yes Yes
Deploy Entire Cluster Yes No
Deploy Per Machine Yes Yes

Two primary deployment sources are available:

All packages are named according to the product, version number, build release and extension. For example:


The version number is 7.0.3 and build number 141. Build numbers indicate which build a particular release version is based on, and may be useful when installing patches provided by support.

2.3.1. Using the TAR/GZipped files

To use the TAR/GZipped packages, download the files to your machine and unpack them:

shell> cd /opt/continuent/software
shell> tar zxf tungsten-clustering-7.0.3-141.tar.gz

This will create a directory matching the downloaded package name, version, and build number from which you can perform an install using either the INI file or command-line configuration. To use, you will need to use the tpm command within the tools directory of the extracted package:

shell> cd tungsten-clustering-7.0.3-141

2.3.2. Using the RPM package files

The RPM packages can be used for installation, but are primarily designed to be in combination with the INI configuration file.


Installing the RPM package will do the following:

  1. Create the tungsten system user if it doesn't exist

  2. Make the tungsten system user part of the mysql group if it exists

  3. Create the /opt/continuent/software directory

  4. Unpack the software into /opt/continuent/software

  5. Define the $CONTINUENT_PROFILES and $REPLICATOR_PROFILES environment variables

  6. Update the profile script to include the /opt/continuent/share/env.sh script

  7. Create the /etc/tungsten directory

  8. Run tpm install if the /etc/tungsten.ini or /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini file exists

Although the RPM packages complete a number of the pre-requisite steps required to configure your cluster, there are additional steps, such as configuring ssh, that you still need to complete. For more information, see Appendix B, Prerequisites.

By using the package files you are able to setup a new server by creating the /etc/tungsten.ini file and then installing the package. Any output from the tpm command will go to /opt/continuent/service_logs/rpm.output.


If you download the package files directly, you may need to add the signing key to your environment before the package will load properly.

For yum platforms (RHEL/CentOS/Amazon Linux), the rpm command is used :

root-shell> rpm --import http://www.continuent.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-continuent

For Ubuntu/Debian platforms, the gpg command is used :

root-shell> gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key 7206c924


If you upgrade to a new version of the RPM package it will do the following:

  1. Unpack the software into /opt/continuent/software

  2. Run tpm update if the /etc/tungsten.ini or /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini file exists

The tpm update will restart all Continuent Tungsten services so you do not need to do anything after upgrading the package file.