2.4. Common tpm Options During Deployment

There are a variety of tpm options that can be used to alter some aspect of the deployment during configuration. Although they might not be provided within the example deployments, they may be used or required for different installation environments. These include options such as altering the ports used by different components, or the commands and utilities used to monitor or manage the installation once deployment has been completed. Some of the most common options are included within this section.

Changes to the configuration should be made with tpm update. This continues the procedure of using tpm install during installation. See Section 10.5.26, “tpm update Command” for more information on using tpm update.

  • --datasource-systemctl-service

    On some platforms and environments the command used to manage and control the MySQL or MariaDB service is handled by a tool other than the services or /etc/init.d/mysql commands.

    Depending on the system or environment other commands using the same basic structure may be used. For example, within CentOS 7, the command is systemctl. You can explicitly set the command to be used by using the --datasource-systemctl-service to specify the name of the tool.

    The format of the corresponding command that will be used is expected to follow the same format as previous commands, for example to start the database service::

    shell> systemctl mysql stop

    Different commands must follow the same basic structure, the command configured by --datasource-systemctl-service, the servicename, and the status (i.e. stop).