Security will be enabled during initial install by default, should you choose to disable at install, then these steps will guide you in the process to enable as part of a post-install update
Enabled During Install
As mentioned, security is enabled by default. This is controlled by
. If
not supplied, the default is false. You can choose to specify this in
your configuration for transparency if you wish.
shell> tools/tpm configure defaults --disable-security-controls=false \
[...the rest of the configuration options...]
shell> tools/tpm install
The above configuration (and the default) will assume that your database has been configured with SSL enabled. The installation will error and fail if this is not the case. You must manually ensure database SSL has been enabled prior to issuing the install. Steps to enable this can be found in Section 5.13.1, “Enabling Database SSL”
If you DO NOT want to enable database level SSL, then you must also include the following option in the tpm configure command above:
Installing from a staging host will automatically generate certificates and configuration for a secured installation. No further changes or actions are required.
Enabling Post-Installation
If, at install time, you disabled security (by specifying
) you
can enable it by changing the value to false.
shell> tools/tpm configure defaults --disable-security-controls=false
shell> tools/tpm update --replace-jgroups-certificate --replace-tls-certificate --replace-release
The above configuration will assume that your database has been configured with SSL enabled. The update will error and fail if this is not the case. You must manually ensure database SSL has been enabled prior to issuing the update. Steps to enable this can be found in Section 5.13.1, “Enabling Database SSL”
If you DO NOT want to enable database level SSL, then you must also include the following options in the tpm configure command above:
Following the update, you will also need to manually re-sync the certificates and keystores to all other nodes within your configuration. The following example uses scp for the copy and uses db1 as the primary source for the files to be copied. Adjust accordingly for your environment.
Place the cluster into MAINTENANCE
cctrl> set policy maintenance
Sync Certificates and Keystores to all nodes
db1> for host in db2 db3 db4 db5 db6; do
scp /opt/continuent/share/[jpt]* ${host}:/opt/continuent/share
scp /opt/continuent/share/.[jpt]* ${host}:/opt/continuent/share
Restart all components, on all hosts
shell> manager restart
shell> replicator restart
shell> connector restart
Place the cluster back to AUTOMATIC
cctrl> set policy automatic
This update will force all running processes to be restarted. Connectors MUST be done at the same time or they will no longer be able to communicate with the managers.