Security will be enabled during initial install by default, should you choose to disable at install, then these steps will guide you in the process to enable as part of a post-install update
Enabled During Install
As mentioned, security is enabled by default. This is controlled by
the disable-security-controls
property. If not supplied, the default is false. You can choose to
specify this in your configuration for transparency if you wish.
The above configuration (and the default) will assume that your database has been configured with SSL enabled. The installation will error and fail if this is not the case. You must manually ensure database SSL has been enabled prior to issuing the install. Steps to enable this can be found in Section 5.13.1, “Enabling Database SSL”
If you DO NOT want to enable database
level SSL, then you must also include the following options in your
Following installation there are a few additional steps that will be required before starting the software.
You must select one of the nodes and copy that node's certificate/keystore/truststore files to all other nodes.
For example, assuming you choose db1, and have 5 other nodes to copy the files to you could use this syntax:
shell> for host in db2 db3 db4 db5 db6; do
scp /opt/continuent/share/[jpt]* ${host}:/opt/continuent/share/
scp /opt/continuent/share/.[jpt]* ${host}:/opt/continuent/share/
The above example assumes ssh has been setup between nodes as the tungsten OS user. If this is not the case you will need to use whichever methods you have available to sync these files.
Then, on all nodes, you can start the software:
shell> source /opt/continuent/share/
shell> startall
Enabling Post-Installation
If, at install time, you disabled security (by specifying
can enable it by changing the value to false in your
on all nodes.
The above configuration (and the default) will assume that your database has been configured with SSL enabled. The update will error and fail if this is not the case. You must manually ensure database SSL has been enabled prior to issuing the update. Steps to enable this can be found in Section 5.13.1, “Enabling Database SSL”
If you DO NOT want to enable database
level SSL, then you must also include the following options in your
Before issuing the update, there are a number of additional steps required. These are outlined below:
First, configure the tungsten.ini
file as
Enable Maintenance mode on the cluster
shell> cctrl
cctrl> set policy maintenance
Do the update on each node, which will generate new, different certificates on every node.
This update procedure will force all running Tungsten processes to be stopped. Connectors MUST be done at the same time or they will no longer be able to communicate with the Managers.
shell> stopall
shell> tpm query staging
shell> cd {staging_directory}
shell> tools/tpm update --replace-jgroups-certificate --replace-tls-certificate --replace-release
As with a fresh install, you must then select one of the nodes and copy that node's certificate files to all other nodes:
For example, assuming you choose db1, and have 5 other nodes to copy the files to you could use this syntax:
shell> for host in db2 db3 db4 db5 db6; do
scp /opt/continuent/share/[jpt]* ${host}:/opt/continuent/share/
scp /opt/continuent/share/.[jpt]* ${host}:/opt/continuent/share/
The above example assumes ssh has been setup between nodes as the tungsten OS user. If this is not the case you will need to use whichever methods you have available to sync these files.
On all nodes:
shell> startall