3.7.6. Converting from a single cluster to a composite cluster

There are two possible scenarios for converting from a single standalone cluster to a composite cluster. The two following sections will guide you through examples of each of these. Convert and add new nodes as a new service

The following steps guide you through updating the configuration to include the new hosts as a new service and convert to a Composite Cluster.

For the purpose of this worked example, we have a single cluster dataservice called east with three nodes, defined as db1, db2 and db3 with db1 as the Primary.

Our goal is to create a new cluster dataservice called west with three nodes, defined as db4, db5 and db6 with db4 as the relay.

We will configure a new composite dataservice called global

The steps show two alternative approaches, to create the west as a Passive cluster (Composite Active/Passive) or to create the west cluster as a second active cluster (Composite Active/Active)

  1. On the new host(s), ensure the Appendix B, Prerequisites have been followed.

    If configuring via the Staging Installation method, skip straight to Step 4:


    The staging method CANNOT be used if converting to an Active/Active cluster

  2. On the new host(s), ensure the tungsten.ini contains the correct service blocks for both the existing cluster and the new cluster.

  3. On the new host(s), install the proper version of clustering software, ensuring that the version being installed matches the version currently installed on the existing hosts.

    shell> cd /opt/continuent/sofware
    shell> tar zxvf tungsten-clustering-7.0.3-141.tar.gz
    shell> cd tungsten-clustering-7.0.3-141
    shell> ./tools/tpm install


    Ensure --start-and-report is set to false in the configuration for the new hosts.

  4. Set the existing cluster to maintenance mode using cctrl:

    shell> cctrl
    [LOGICAL] / > set policy maintenance
  5. Add the definition for the new cluster service west and composite service global to the existing configuration on the existing host(s):

    For Composite Active/Passive

    Show Staging

    Show INI

    shell> tpm query staging
    shell> echo The staging USER is `tpm query staging| cut -d: -f1 | cut -d@ -f1`
    The staging USER is tungsten
    shell> echo The staging HOST is `tpm query staging| cut -d: -f1 | cut -d@ -f2`
    The staging HOST is db1
    shell> echo The staging DIRECTORY is `tpm query staging| cut -d: -f2`
    The staging DIRECTORY is /opt/continuent/software/tungsten-clustering-7.0.3-141
    shell> ssh {STAGING_USER}@{STAGING_HOST}
    shell> cd {STAGING_DIRECTORY}
    shell> ./tools/tpm configure west \
        --connectors=db4,db5,db6 \
        --relay-source=east \
        --relay=db4 \
        --slaves=db5,db6 \
    shell> ./tools/tpm configure global \

    Run the tpm command to update the software with the Staging-based configuration:

    shell> ./tools/tpm update --no-connectors --replace-release

    For information about making updates when using a Staging-method deployment, please see Section 10.3.7, “Configuration Changes from a Staging Directory”.

    shell> vi /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini

    Run the tpm command to update the software with the INI-based configuration:

    shell> tpm query staging
    shell> echo The staging DIRECTORY is `tpm query staging| cut -d: -f2`
    The staging DIRECTORY is /opt/continuent/software/tungsten-clustering-7.0.3-141
    shell> cd {STAGING_DIRECTORY}
    shell> ./tools/tpm update --no-connectors --replace-release

    For information about making updates when using an INI file, please see Section 10.4.4, “Configuration Changes with an INI file”.

    For Composite Active/Active

    shell> vi /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini
    shell> tpm query staging
    shell> echo The staging DIRECTORY is `tpm query staging| cut -d: -f2`
    The staging DIRECTORY is /opt/continuent/software/tungsten-clustering-7.0.3-141
    shell> cd {STAGING_DIRECTORY}
    shell> ./tools/tpm update --no-connectors --replace-release


    Using the optional --no-connectors option updates the current deployment without restarting the existing connectors.


    Using the --replace-release option ensures the metadata files for the cluster are correctly rebuilt. This parameter MUST be supplied.

  6. On every node in the original EAST cluster, make sure all replicators are online:

    shell> trepctl services
    shell> trepctl -all-services online
  7. On all the new hosts in the new cluster, start the manager processes ONLY

    shell> manager start
  8. From the original cluster, use cctrl to check that the new dataservice and composite dataservice have been created, and place the new dataservice into maintenance mode

    shell> cctrl
    cctrl> cd /
    cctrl> ls
    cctrl> use global
    cctrl> ls
    cctrl> datasource east online
    cctrl> set policy maintenance

    Example from a Composite Active/Passive Cluster

    tungsten@db1:~  $ cctrl
    Tungsten Clustering 7.0.3 build 141
    east: session established, encryption=false, authentication=false
    [LOGICAL] /east > cd /
    [LOGICAL] / > ls
    [LOGICAL] / > ls
    [LOGICAL] / > use global
    [LOGICAL] /global > ls
    |connector@db1[9493](ONLINE, created=0, active=0)                                 |
    |connector@db2[9341](ONLINE, created=0, active=0)                                 |
    |connector@db3[10675](ONLINE, created=0, active=0)                                |
    |east(composite master:OFFLINE)                                                    |
    |STATUS [OK] [2019/12/09 11:04:17 AM UTC]                                         |
    |west(composite slave:OFFLINE)                                                  |
    |STATUS [OK] [2019/12/09 11:04:17 AM UTC]                                         |
    [LOGICAL] /global > datasource east online
    composite data source 'east@global' is now ONLINE
    [LOGICAL] /global > set policy maintenance
    policy mode is now MAINTENANCE

    Example from a Composite Active/Active Cluster

    tungsten@db1:~  $ cctrl
    Tungsten Clustering 7.0.3 build 141
    east: session established, encryption=false, authentication=false
    [LOGICAL] /east > cd /
    [LOGICAL] / > ls
    [LOGICAL] / > ls
    [LOGICAL] / > use global
    [LOGICAL] /global > ls
    |connector@db1[23431](ONLINE, created=0, active=0)                                |
    |connector@db2[25535](ONLINE, created=0, active=0)                                |
    |connector@db3[15353](ONLINE, created=0, active=0)                                |
    |east(composite master:OFFLINE, global progress=10, max latency=1.043)            |
    |STATUS [OK] [2024/08/13 11:05:01 AM UTC]                                         |
    |  east(master:ONLINE, progress=10, max latency=1.043)                            |
    |  east_from_west(UNKNOWN:UNKNOWN, progress=-1, max latency=-1.000)               |
    |west(composite master:ONLINE, global progress=-1, max latency=-1.000)            |
    |STATUS [OK] [2024/08/13 11:07:56 AM UTC]                                         |
    |  west(UNKNOWN:UNKNOWN, progress=-1, max latency=-1.000)                         |
    |  west_from_east(UNKNOWN:UNKNOWN, progress=-1, max latency=-1.000)               |
    [LOGICAL] /global > datasource east online
    composite data source 'east@global' is now ONLINE
    [LOGICAL] /global > set policy maintenance
    policy mode is now MAINTENANCE
  9. Start the replicators in the new cluster ensuring they start as OFFLINE:

    shell> replicator start offline
  10. Go to the relay (or Primary) node of the new cluster (i.e. db4) and provision it from a Replica of the original cluster (i.e. db2):

    Provision the new relay in a Composite Active/Passive Cluster

    db4-shell> tprovision -s db2

    Provision the new primary in a Composite Active/Active Cluster

    db4-shell> tprovision -s db2 -c
  11. Go to each Replica node of the new cluster and provision from the relay node of the new cluster (i.e. db4):

    db5-shell> tprovision -s db4
  12. Bring the replicators in the new cluster online, if not already:

    shell> trepctl -all-services online
  13. From a node in the original cluster (e.g. db1), using cctrl, set the composite cluster online, if not already, and return to automatic:

    shell> cctrl
    [LOGICAL] / > use global
    [LOGICAL] / > datasource west online
    [LOGICAL] / > set policy automatic
  14. Start the connectors associated with the new cluster hosts in west:

    shell> connector start


    Depending on the mode in which the connectors are running, you may need to configure the user.map. If this is in use on the old cluster, then we recommend that you take a copy of this file and place this on the new connectors associated with the new cluster, and then adjust any affinity settings that are required. Additionally, the user.map may need adjustments on the original cluster. For more details on the user.map file, it is advised to review the relevant sections in the Connector documentation related to the mode your connectors are operating in. These can be found at Section 7.6.1, “user.map File Format”

  15. If --no-connectors was issued during the update, then during a period when it is safe, restart the connectors associated with the original cluster:

    shell> ./tools/tpm promote-connector Convert and move nodes to a new service

This method of conversion is a little more complicated and the only safe way to accomplish this would require downtime for the replication on all nodes.

To achieve this without downtime to your applications, it is recommended that all application activity be isolated to the Primary host only. Following the conversion, all activity will then be replicated to the Replica nodes

Our example starting cluster has 5 nodes (1 Primary and 4 Replicas) and uses service name alpha. Our target cluster will have 6 nodes (3 per cluster) in 2 member clusters alpha_east and alpha_west in composite service alpha.

This means that we will reuse the existing service name alpha as the name of the new composite service, and create two new service names, one for each cluster (alpha_east and alpha_west).

To convert the above configuration, follow the steps below:

  1. On the new host, ensure the Appendix B, Prerequisites have been followed.

  2. Ensure the cluster is in MAINTENANCE mode. This will prevent the managers from performing any unexpected recovery or failovers during the process.

    cctrl> set policy maintenance
  3. Next, you must stop all services on all existing nodes.

    shell> stopall
  4. If configuring via the INI Installation Method, update tungsten.ini on all original 5 nodes, then copy the file to the new node.

    You will need to create two new services for each cluster, and change the original service stanza to represent the composite service. An example of how the complete configuration would look is below. Click the link the switch between ini and staging configurations.

    Show Staging

    Show INI

    shell> ./tools/tpm configure defaults \
        --reset \
        --user=tungsten \
        --install-directory=/opt/continuent \
        --profile-script=~/.bash_profile \
        --replication-user=tungsten \
        --replication-password=secret \
        --replication-port=13306 \
        --application-user=app_user \
        --application-password=secret \
        --application-port=3306 \
        --rest-api-admin-user=apiuser \
    shell> ./tools/tpm configure alpha_east \
        --topology=clustered \
        --master=db1 \
        --members=db1,db2,db3 \
    shell> ./tools/tpm configure alpha_west \
        --topology=clustered \
        --relay=db4 \
        --members=db4,db5,db6 \
        --connectors=db4,db5,db6 \
    shell> ./tools/tpm configure alpha \
    shell> vi /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini
  5. Using you preferred backup/restore method, take a backup of the MySQL database on one of the original nodes and restore this to the new node

    If preferred, this step can be skipped, and the provision of the new node completed via the use of the supplied provisioning scripts, explained in Step 10 below.

  6. Invoke the conversion using the tpm command from the software extraction directory.

    If installation configured via the INI method, this command should be run on all 5 original nodes. If configured via Staging method, this command should be run on the staging host only.

    shell> tpm query staging
    shell> cd {software_staging_dir_from_tpm_query}
    shell> ./tools/tpm update --replace-release --force
    shell> rm /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/conf/cluster/*/datasource/*


    The use of the --force option is required to force the override of the old properties

  7. Only if installation configured via the INI method, then proceed to install the software using the tpm command from the software extraction directory on the new node:

    shell> cd {software_staging_dir}
    shell> ./tools/tpm install


    Ensure you install the same version of software on the new node that matches exactly, the version on the existing 5 nodes

  8. Start all services on all existing nodes.

    shell> startall
  9. Bring the clusters back into AUTOMATIC mode:

    shell> cctrl -multi
    cctrl> use alpha
    cctrl> set policy automatic
    cctrl> exit
  10. If you skipped the backup/restore step above, you now need to provision the database on the new node. To do this, use the tungsten_provision_slave script to provision the database from one of the existing nodes, for example db5

    shell> tungsten_provision_slave --source db5