7.4.8. Routing using embedded syntax in connect string


This feature will not work when using Bridge mode, this only applies to connectors running in Proxy mode.

It is possible to embed syntax as part of the schema name in your connection string (-D switch if using the mysql CLI) to route the connector. Such as using the @qos syntax to direct the connection to a Primary or a Replica.

Additionally, you can also pass other properties such as affinity and maxAppliedLatency, as shown in the MySQL CLI example below.

mysql -hhost -pport -uuser -ppass -Dtest@qos=RO_RELAXED\&affinity=europe\&maxAppliedLatency=15

The following shows a java connect string example:

connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://host:port/schema@qos=RO_RELAXED&affinity=europe&maxAppliedLatency=15", "user", "pass")