2.6. Tungsten Clustering 6.1.20 GA (19 Dec 2022)

Version End of Life. 15 Aug 2024

Release 6.1.20 contains a number of critical bug fixes and improvements.

Behavior Changes

The following changes have been made to Tungsten Cluster and may affect existing scripts and integration tools. Any scripts or environment which make use of these tools should check and update for the new configuration:

  • Command-line Tools

    • Both the tungsten_get_ports and tpm report commands have been updated to use the ss OS command when the netstat OS command is unavailable or deprecated.

      Issues: CT-2007

  • Core Clustering

    • Changed the behavior of the connector and manager upon local site failover:

      No longer sending write traffic to the remote site unless the local site is fully offline. In case of local failover, the connector will now pause connections until a new primary is elected. This will avoid risks of out-of-order apply after local failover

      Issues: CT-2009

Improvements, new features and functionality

  • Command-line Tools

    • A new command has been added called tungsten_get_ports, which will display the running Tungsten processes and the associated TCP ports that those processes are listening on.

      Issues: CT-1970

    • The tungsten_get_ports command now supports the /opt/continuent/tungsten/tungsten-connector/conf/interfaces.json file, if found.

      Issues: CT-2003

    • The tungsten_get_ports command now use values based on values obtained from tpm query values when possible for the greatest output accuracy.

      Issues: CT-2008

Bug Fixes

  • Command-line Tools

    • Worked around a ruby issue where DNS name resolution was sometimes preferred to file-based resolution in TPM. The following logic now applies: first trying file-based host name resolution, upon failure try DNS, then through ping command

      Issues: CT-1653

  • Backup and Restore

    • When running the cluster_backup in a Active/Active environment, when setting require_master_backup to false, the script would still attempt to backup the Primary as it would scan the wrong sub-service and incorrectly identify the Relay node as a candidate.

      Issues: CT-1280

  • Filters

    • Fixed an issue where the dropsqlmodes filter would fail to remove invalid sql modes from a multi-statement event

      Issues: CT-1993

  • Tungsten Manager

    • The cctrl command datasource <ds> slave now sets the replicator role correctly. Previously, only the datasource role would change.

      Issues: CT-1882

    • A bug has been fixed that, in a few very rare cases, would allow replicas to continue to pull and apply THL from a failed primary whilst a failover was in the process of electing a new primary. This resulted in failovers being unable to complete fully. Whilst the new primary would be online and functioning, existing replicas in the cluster could experience errors due to THL discrepencies between the old and new primary nodes.

      Issues: CT-1986