2.11. Tungsten Clustering 6.1.15 GA (19 Oct 2021)

Version End of Life. 15 Aug 2024

Release 6.1.15 contains a number of minor bug fixes and improvements.

Behavior Changes

The following changes have been made to Tungsten Cluster and may affect existing scripts and integration tools. Any scripts or environment which make use of these tools should check and update for the new configuration:

  • Backup and Restore

    • Cluster backup now uses --source-data as mysqldump parameter from MySQL 8.0.26+

      Issues: CT-1635

Bug Fixes

  • Command-line Tools

    • The tpm update command now handles the --replace-release argument properly when --ini is also specified.

      Issues: CT-1623

    • Added missing connector capability flag CLIENT_PS_MULTI_RESULTS allowing multiple result sets to be retrieved when executing multiple select prepared statements.

      Issues: CT-1624

    • Improved Perl-based command-line tools to use routines with no external dependencies in place of Data::Dumper

      Issues: CT-1630

  • Backup and Restore

    • tungsten_provision_slave would fail using mysqldump with MySQL version 8.0.26+ due to warning of using --master-data=2

      Issues: CT-1612

  • Core Replicator

    • Improved error reporting when the replicator is not able to open a file. This was causing a NullPointerException to be raised.

      Issues: CT-1618

  • Filters

    • Fixed an issue with the ColumnNameFilter that was not resetting its internal connection to the database.

      This would then fail if the database connection would time out (e.g. MySQL wait_timeout reached). The connection is now renewed every 1 hour by default.

      This can be reconfigured to a different value by adding the following tpm property:

      property=replicator.filter.colnames.reconnectTimeout=<time in seconds>

      Issues: CT-1646

  • Tungsten Connector

    • The show slave status hook could use the wrong tracking schema in Composite Active/Passive clusters.

      Issues: CT-1625