Chapter 4. Configuring Instances through the Launch Wizard


These steps do not apply if you launched a Tungsten Cluster via Cloudformation

Once you have launched all of the required instances, you can now start to configure them.

A very simple CLI wizard will be launched when you connect to the instance and prompt you for information to configure the instances.

  • For Tungsten Clustering instances, you only need to run the wizard on one node, all other nodes will retrieve the configuration ensuring consistency across the cluster.

  • For Tungsten Replicator instances, you will need to run the wizard on every instance, ensuring the extractor instance has been completed first, or is already running from an existing installation.

  • If you are planning to replicate from an existing Tungsten Cluster, you only need a Tungsten Replicator Applier instance, and when prompted, configure as a "cluster-slave"

  1. First, you will need to connect to your instance, the method will vary depending on your cloud provider and also on your choice of Terminal Application. For AWS you will initially connect to the instance as the "rocky" OS user. For Google, this will depend on your method of authentication. An example of each is shown below:

    AWS> ssh -i .ssh/yoursshkey.pem rocky@public-ip-of-host
    GCP> gcloud compute ssh your-instance-name --zone=instance-zone --project=your-gcp-project

  2. Next, sudo as the tungsten user:

    shell> sudo su - tungsten

  3. The wizard will now launch, first showing a readme outling any requirements that may need to be completed manually such as installing MySQL if required.

    Step through the wizard providing answers to various prompts

  4. If you are confguring Tungsten Clustering, repeat steps 1 & 2 on all hosts. They will pickup the configuration from the first host and automatically configure themselves, only then proceed to the next step

  5. When complete, you can let the wizard begin the installation, or wait and execute this last step manually. THe instructions will be displayed on the screen should you wish to run manually, these are also shown below as an exampled:

    shell> cd /opt/continuent/siftware/tungsten-replicator-for-mysql-extraction-7.1.4-11
    shell> tools/tpm install

  6. After installation, to ensure the environment variables are setup correctly, issue:

    shell> source /opt/continuent/share/


    This step only needs executing once, for subsequent terminal sessions the environment will be loaded when you connect to the terminal as the tungsten OS user.

  7. You can now start the software by issuing the command startall

  8. For Tungsten Clustering users, you will also now be able to access the Tungsten Dahsboard by connecting to the public IP via a web-browser, providing you have opened the HTTP port within your security firewall

For advanced configurations, review the full product documentation by cicking the relevant product name in the top toolbar

For Tungsten Replicator installations, the replicators will begin replicating from the current binary log position at the point at which the replicator was started. To start the replicator from an earlier binary log position and for more advanced options, review The trepctl Command

For heterogeneous targets, you will need to ensure that your database structure has been manually created first, alternatively you can use the ddlscan tool to help reverse engineer the database structure. More information on this can be found at The ddlscan Command

Each heterogeneous applier may have different requirements, these are explained in the relevant sections at Deploying Appliers