pendingError : Event application failed: seqno=156847 »
fragno=0 message=Unable to store event: seqno=156847
pendingErrorCode : NONE
pendingErrorEventId : mysql-bin.000025:0000000024735754;0
pendingErrorSeqno : 156847
pendingExceptionMessage: Unable to store event: seqno=156847
The above indicates that the THL information could not be stored on disk. To recover from this error, make space available on the disk, or move the THL files to a different device with more space, then set the replicator service online again.
For more information on moving THL files to a different disk, see Section D.1.5.3, “Moving the THL File Location”; for information on moving the backup file location, see Section D.1.1.4, “Relocating Backup Storage”.