13.1.1. Monitoring Block Commit Status

The block commit status can be monitored using the trepctl status -name tasks command. This outputs the lastCommittedBlockSize and lastCommittedBlockTime values which indicate the size and interval (in seconds) of the last block commit.

shell> trepctl status -name tasks
Processing status command (tasks)...
NAME                    VALUE
----                    -----
appliedLastEventId    : mysql-bin.000015:0000000000001117;0
appliedLastSeqno      : 5271
appliedLatency        : 4656.231
applyTime             : 0.066
averageBlockSize      : 0.500     
cancelled             : false
commits               : 10
currentBlockSize      : 0
currentLastEventId    : mysql-bin.000015:0000000000001117;0
currentLastFragno     : 0
currentLastSeqno      : 5271
eventCount            : 5
extractTime           : 0.394
filterTime            : 0.017
lastCommittedBlockSize: 1
lastCommittedBlockTime: 0.033
otherTime             : 0.001
stage                 : q-to-dbms
state                 : extract
taskId                : 0
Finished status command (tasks)...