5.3. Creating Suitable Certificates

By default, tpm can automatically create suitable certificates and configuration for use in your deployment. To create the required certificates by hand, use one of the following procedures.

5.3.1. Creating Tungsten Internal Certificates Manually

To manually generate the security files, use the steps below:

  • Generating a JGroups Certificate

    Run this command to create the keystore in /etc/tungsten/secure. You may use your own location, but the values for -storepass and -keypass must be identical.

    shell> keytool -genseckey -alias jgroups \
    -validity 3650 \
    -keyalg Blowfish -keysize 56 -keystore /etc/tungsten/secure/tungsten_jgroups_keystore.jceks \
    -storepass mykeystorepass -keypass mykeystorepass \
    -storetype JCEKS
  • Generating a TLS Certificate

    Run this command to create the keystore in /etc/tungsten/secure. You may use your own location, but the values for -storepass and -keypass must match.

    shell> keytool -genkey -alias tls \
    -validity 3650 \
    -keyalg RSA -keystore /etc/tungsten/secure/tungsten_tls_keystore.jks \
    -dname "cn=Continuent, ou=IT, o=Continuent, c=US" \
    -storepass mykeystorepass -keypass mykeystorepass