This documentation uses a number of text and style conventions to indicate and differentiate between different types of information:
Text in this style is used to show an important element or piece of information. It may be used and combined with other text styles as appropriate to the context.
Text in this style is used to show a section heading, table heading, or particularly important emphasis of some kind.
Program or configuration options are formatted using
this style
. Options are also
automatically linked to their respective documentation page when this is
known. For example, tpm and
both link automatically to the
corresponding reference page.
Parameters or information explicitly used to set values to commands or
options is formatted using this
Option values, for example on the command-line are marked up using this
format: --help
. Where possible, all
option values are directly linked to the reference information for that
Commands, including sub-commands to a command-line tool are formatted using Text in this style. Commands are also automatically linked to their respective documentation page when this is known. For example, tpm links automatically to the corresponding reference page.
Text in this style
literal or character sequence text used to show a specific value.
Filenames, directories or paths are shown like this
. Filenames and paths
are automatically linked to the corresponding reference page if
Bulleted lists are used to show lists, or detailed information for a list of items. Where this information is optional, a magnifying glass symbol enables you to expand, or collapse, the detailed instructions.
Code listings are used to show sample programs, code, configuration files and other elements. These can include both user input and replaceable values:
shell> cd /opt/continuent/software
shell> ar zxvf tungsten-clustering-7.0.3-141.tar.gz
In the above example command-lines to be entered into a shell are prefixed
using shell
. This shell is typically
ksh, or
bash on Linux and Unix platforms.
If commands are to be executed using administrator privileges, each line will be prefixed with root-shell, for example:
root-shell> vi /etc/passwd
To make the selection of text easier for copy/pasting, ignorable text, such
as shell>
are ignored during
selection. This allows multi-line instructions to be copied without
modification, for example:
mysql> create database test_selection;
mysql> drop database test_selection;
Lines prefixed with mysql>
be entered within the mysql
If a command-line or program listing entry contains lines that are two wide to be displayed within the documentation, they are marked using the » character:
the first line has been extended by using a »
continuation line
They should be adjusted to be entered on a single line.
Text marked up with this style
is information that is
entered by the user (as opposed to generated by the system). Text formatted
using this style
should be replaced with the
appropriate file, version number or other variable information according to
the operation being performed.
In the HTML versions of the manual, blocks or examples that can be userinput can be easily copied from the program listing. Where there are multiple entries or steps, use the 'Show copy-friendly text' link at the end of each section. This provides a copy of all the user-enterable text.
Show Copy-friendly Text