9.43.1. Provisioning from RDS

The tungsten_provision_thl script is designed to run from a replication Primary connected to a standard MySQL instance. The standard commands will not work if you are using RDS as a Primary.

The simplest method is to add the --extract-from argument to your command. This will make the script compatible with RDS. The drawback is that we are not able to guarantee a consistent provisioning snapshot in RDS unless changes to the database are stopped. The script will monitor the binary log position during the provisioning process and alert you if there are changes. After the script completes, run trepctl online to resume extraction from the Primary at the current binary log position.

shell> tungsten_provision_thl \
      --extract-from=rds \
      --tungsten-replicator-package=/home/tungsten/tungsten-clustering-7.0.3-141.tar.gz \
      --mysql-package=/home/tungsten/mysql-5.6.20-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64.tar.gz \

If you aren't able to stop access to the database, the script can provision from an RDS Read Replica. Before running tungsten_provision_thl, replication to the replica must be stopped. This may be done by running CALL mysql.rds_stop_replication; in an RDS shell. Call tungsten_provision_thl with the --extract-from and --extract-from-host arguments. The script will read the correct Primary position based on the Replica replication position. After completion, resume extraction from the Primary using the standard procedure.

# Run `CALL mysql.rds_stop_replication();` on the RDS Read Replica
shell> tungsten_provision_thl \
      --extract-from=rds-read-replica \
      --extract-from-host=rds-host2 \
      --tungsten-replicator-package=/home/tungsten/tungsten-clustering-7.0.3-141.tar.gz \
      --mysql-package=/home/tungsten/mysql-5.6.20-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64.tar.gz \
NOTE >>The THL has been provisioned to mysql-bin.000025:493 on rds-host1:3306
# Run `CALL mysql.rds_start_replication();` on the RDS Read Replica