10.4.5. Converting from Staging to INI

If you currently use the Staging installation method and wish to convert to using INI files, use the following procedure.

You can also try using the script in Section 10.4.6, “Using the translatetoini.pl Script”.

  1. Place cluster(s) in Maintenance Mode:

    shell> cctrl
    cctrl> set policy maintenance
  2. Create the text file /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini on each node. They will normally all be the same.

    shell> sudo mkdir /etc/tungsten
    shell> sudo chown -R tungsten: /etc/tungsten
    shell> chmod 700 /etc/tungsten
    shell> touch /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini
    shell> chmod 600 /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini

    Each section in the INI file replaces a single tpm configure call. The section name inside of [square brackets] is used as the service name. In the case of the [defaults] section, this will act like the tpm configure defaults command. The property names in the INI file are the same as what is used on the command line. Simply remove the leading -- characters and add it to the proper section.

    For example, to seed the tungsten.ini file, use the output of tpm reverse:

    shell> tpm reverse > /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini

    Edit the new ini file and clean it up as per the rules above. For example, using vim:

    shell> vim /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini
    :%s/tools\/^tpm configure /[/g


    In the above example, you MUST manually add the trailing square bracket ] to the end of the defaults tag and to the end of every service name section. Just search for the opening square bracket [ and make sure there is a matching closing square bracket for every one.

    See Section 10.4.1, “Creating an INI file” for more information.

  3. On every node, extract the software into /opt/continuent/software/{extracted_dir}


    Make sure you have the same release that is currently installed.

    shell> cd /opt/continuent/software
    shell> tar zxf tungsten-clustering-7.0.3-141.tar.gz


    If this is an Composite Active/Active topology, using v5 or earlier, make sure you extract both the clustering and replication packages.

  4. On each node, change to the extracted directory and execute the tpm command:


    Execute this step on the Replicas first, then switch the Primary - this procedure will restart the Tungsten services so switch your Primary to avoid interruption of service. See Section 6.15.3, “Performing Maintenance on an Entire Dataservice” for more information.

    shell> cd /opt/continuent/software/tungsten-clustering-7.0.3-141
    shell> ./tools/tpm update

    This will read the tungsten.ini file and apply the settings. The tpm command will identify what services likely need to be restarted and will just restart those. You can manually restart the desired services if you are unsure if the new configuration has been applied.


    The tpm update command may cause a brief outage while restarting the connectors. This will occur if you are upgrading to a new version You can avoid that with:

    shell> ./tools/tpm update dataservice --no-connectors

    The connectors must be updated separately on each server by running:

    shell> tpm promote-connector

  5. If you have an Composite Active/Active topology, using v5 or earlier, you must also update the cross-site replicators:

    On each node, change to the extracted replicator directory and execute the tpm command:

    shell> cd /opt/continuent/software/tungsten-replicator-7.0.3-141
    shell> ./tools/tpm update
  6. Once all steps have been completed and the cluster(s) are stable, take each cluster out of maintenance mode by setting the policy back to automatic:

    shell> cctrl
    cctrl> set policy automatic