11.2.4. Cluster Configuration Manipulation

Within a Continuent Tungsten Cluster installation, the connector receives its cluster configuration directly from the managers. It is NOT desirable to change it, there are high risks of destabilizing the cluster, creating split brains or writing data to replicas.

For this reason, if the Proxy is connected to a cluster, a confirmation flag ?i-am-sure=true will have to be passed to the following call examples.

For standalone proxies cluster configuration changes are accessible without the confirmation flag. Creating a Data Service

To create a data service name "europe"

POST '' Adding a Data Source

Adding a data source requires the following call with a payload of type TungstenPropertiesPayload

POST ''  
    "payloadType": "TungstenPropertiesPayload",
    "payloadVersion": "1",
    "payload": {
        "name": "c4",
        "driver": "org.drizzle.jdbc.DrizzleDriver",
        "isAvailable": true,
        "role": "slave",
        "host": "c4",
        "state": "ONLINE",
        "url": "jdbc:mysql:thin://c4:13306/${DBNAME}?jdbcCompliantTruncation=false&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowMultiQueries=true&yearIsDateType=false",
        "dataServiceName": "europe",
        "isComposite": false


No validation of the data source will be performed when creating it. Errors, if any, will appear when using/connecting-to the data source Creating a Full Cluster Configuration

A cluster configuration, called "data services map", can be passed through a single call to


The cluster map may look like the following example:

    "payloadType": "DataServicesMapPayload",
    "payload": {
        "europe": {
            "c1": {
                "dataServiceName": "europe",
                "name": "c1",
                "isAvailable": true,
                "role": "master",
                "host": "c1",
                "state": "ONLINE",
                "url": "jdbc:mysql:thin://c1:13306/${DBNAME}?jdbcCompliantTruncation=false&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowMultiQueries=true&yearIsDateType=false",
                "isComposite": false,
                "driver": "org.drizzle.jdbc.DrizzleDriver"
            "c2": {
                "dataServiceName": "europe",
                "name": "c2",
                "isAvailable": true,
                "role": "slave",
                "host": "c2",
                "state": "ONLINE",
                "url": "jdbc:mysql:thin://c2:13306/${DBNAME}?jdbcCompliantTruncation=false&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowMultiQueries=true&yearIsDateType=false",
                "isComposite": false,
                "driver": "org.drizzle.jdbc.DrizzleDriver"
            "c3": {
                "dataServiceName": "europe",
                "name": "c3",
                "isAvailable": true,
                "role": "slave",
                "host": "c3",
                "state": "ONLINE",
                "url": "jdbc:mysql:thin://c3:13306/${DBNAME}?jdbcCompliantTruncation=false&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&tinyInt1isBit=false&allowMultiQueries=true&yearIsDateType=false",
                "isComposite": false,
                "driver": "org.drizzle.jdbc.DrizzleDriver"
} Data Source Changes, Switches and Failovers

The same REST API entry point can be used to modify the current cluster configuration. Bringing a node offline can be done by passing a data source configuration and setting the flag "isAvailable": false

Similarly, a full "switch" operation will be accomplished by exchanging the "roles", giving the new primary the "master" role, and the replica "slave". Note that, just as Tungsten Clustering does, you might want to first set both nodes to "isAvailable": false before proceeding to the role change. Resetting the Cluster Configuration

This call should obviously used with great care as it will completely remove all known data sources and data services from the current proxy instance; thus the confirmation flag i-am-sure=true has to be passed<confirmation flag here>