4.9. Tungsten Replicator 6.1.17 GA (16 May 2022)

Version End of Life. 15 Aug 2024

Release 6.1.17 contains a number of minor bug fixes and improvements.

Behavior Changes

The following changes have been made to Tungsten Replicator and may affect existing scripts and integration tools. Any scripts or environment which make use of these tools should check and update for the new configuration:

  • Command-line Tools

    • Changed output of thl purge command when no lower and upper bounds are given from 'Deleting events where' to 'Deleting all events'.

      Issues: CT-1738

    • The tpm diag command now gathers the output of the tpm ask summary command

      Issues: CT-1827

Improvements, new features and functionality

  • Command-line Tools

    • Added the ability to turn auto recovery on or off dynamically, removing the need to run tpm update.

      This is done by running the following command:

      shell> trepctl -service servicename setdynamic -property replicator.autoRecoveryMaxAttempts -value <number>


      The service must be offline before changing the property

      Issues: CT-1088

  • Core Replicator

    • Added a new property to allow configuration of character set used during batch loading into MySQL targets.

      Default is ut8mb4. Override using the following:


      Issues: CT-1647

  • Security

    • Replaced official log4j library with a secured version in which all vulnerable classes have been removed. This prevents exposing the software following a (user) misconfiguration of the log4j properties

      Issues: CT-1810

  • Other Issues

    • IPv6 host addresses are now fully supported.

      Can be enabled with the following configuration property:


      By default, IPv4 is enabled, which equates to the value of "4" in the above property.

      Issues: CT-1537

Bug Fixes

  • Installation and Deployment

    • When services are deployed with systemd and MySQL could not start due to an error, tpm would not be able to later start MySQL

      Issues: CT-1734

    • deployall script now properly displays the executable prefix for restarting services, typically mm_treplicator in Multi-Site/Active-Active replicator-only installs, as well as the full path to component binaries

      Issues: CT-1835

  • Command-line Tools

    • When MySql services where badly installed, some distribution could show a “not-found” status within systemctl, confusing tpm

      Issues: CT-1677

    • The tpm command now communicates properly when there is no INI configuration file or staging-method deploy.cfg configuration defined.

      Issues: CT-1712

    • tungsten_monitor.rb script no longer uses sudo to send emails if the configuration doesn't allow it.

      Issues: CT-1737

    • Improves the tpm diag command so that it waits 2 seconds for replicator thread dump to complete.

      Issues: CT-1792

    • tpm now properly reports errors upon timeout executing commands. Typically, when a host is down, when upgrading or installing, tpm will now properly report that pinging this host failed.

      Issues: CT-1819

  • Core Replicator

    • Due to a change in binlogging behavior from MySQL 5.7 onwards (Including Aurora) when using the standalone Tungsten Replicator to configure bi-directional replication with unprivileged access (ie unable to control binlogging behavior), certain DDL statements failed to be tagged correctly causing them to be re-applied to the originating source database, resulting in replicator errors.

      Issues: CT-1083

    • When connecting to a THL server, a client will now connect to the next available host in its THL uri, if the first does not have the sequence number that the client requires. The client will then fail only if none of the hosts from the uri can provide the needed sequence number.

      Issues: CT-1558

    • Fixed an issue when using Parallel apply that would show a NullPointerException in case an event could either not be found or be corrupted in THL. This will now display a correct message Missing or corrupted event from storage

      Issues: CT-1722

    • Fixed an issue with the batch loader where DATETIME and TIME datatypes with milliseconds would be replicated as .000 instead of the real millisecond value.

      Issues: CT-1739

    • Fixed an issue where trepctl was leaving JMX connections opened.

      Issues: CT-1752

    • Added more debug information for detecting possible hanging connections while a THL client connects to the THL server. Also, added socket timeout for the connection initialization

      Issues: CT-1760

    • Fixed the EnumToString and pkey filters to renew their database connections (every hour by default). This can be changed with the following properties:


      Issues: CT-1786