4.4.2. Install Kafka Applier

Installation of the Kafka replication requires special configuration of the Extractor and Applier hosts so that each is configured for the correct datasource type.

  1. Before installing the applier, the following additions need adding to the extractor configuration. Apply the following parameter to the extractor configuration before installing the applier

    Add the following the /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini

    ...Existing Replicator Config...
    shell> tpm update


    The above step is only applicable for standalone extractors. If you are configuring replications from an existing Tungsten Cluster (Cluster-Extractor), follow the steps outlined here to ensure the cluster is configured correctly: Section 3.4.1, “Prepare: Replicating Data Out of a Cluster”

  2. Unpack the Tungsten Replicator distribution in staging directory:

    shell> tar zxf tungsten-replicator-7.1.2-81.tar.gz
  3. Change into the staging directory:

    shell> cd tungsten-replicator-7.1.2-81
  4. Configure the installation using tpm:

    Show Staging

    Show INI

    shell> ./tools/tpm configure defaults \
        --reset \
        --install-directory=/opt/continuent \
        --profile-script=~/.bash_profile \
        --rest-api-admin-user=apiuser \
    shell> ./tools/tpm configure alpha \
        --master=sourcehost \
        --members=localhost \
        --datasource-type=kafka \
        --replication-user=root \
        --replication-password=null \
        --replication-port=9092 \
        --property=replicator.applier.dbms.zookeeperString=localhost:2181 \
    shell> vi /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini

    Configuration group defaults

    The description of each of the options is shown below; click the icon to hide this detail:

    Click the icon to show a detailed description of each argument.

    Configuration group alpha

    The description of each of the options is shown below; click the icon to hide this detail:

    Click the icon to show a detailed description of each argument.

  5. If your MySQL source is a Tungsten Cluster, ensure the additional steps below are also included in your applier configuration

    First, prepare the required filter configuration file as follows on the Kafka applier host(s) only:

    shell> mkdir -p /opt/continuent/share/
    shell> cp tungsten-replicator/support/filters-config/convertstringfrommysql.json /opt/continuent/share/

    Then, include the following parameters in the configuration

  6. Note

    If you plan to make full use of the REST API (which is enabled by default) you will need to also configure a username and password for API access. This must be done by specifying the following options in your configuration:


  7. Once the prerequisites and configuring of the installation has been completed, the software can be installed:

    shell> ./tools/tpm install

If you encounter problems during the installation, check the output of the /tmp/tungsten-configure.log file for more information about the root cause.

Once the service is configured and running, the service can be monitored as normal using the trepctl command. See Section 4.4.3, “Management and Monitoring of Kafka Deployments” for more information. Optional Configuration Parameters for Kafka

A number of optional, configurable, properties are available that control how Tungsten Replicator applies and populates information when the data is written into Kafka. The following properties can by set during configuration using --property=PROPERTYNAME=value:

Table 4.1. Optional Kafka Applier Properties

replicator.applier.dbms.embedCommitTimeSets whether the commit time for the source row is embedded into the document
replicator.applier.dbms.embedSchemaTableEmbed the source schema name and table name in the stored document
replicator.applier.dbms.enabletxinfo.kafkaEmbeds transaction information (generated by the rowaddtxninfo filter) into each Kafka message
replicator.applier.dbms.enabletxninfoTopicEmbeds transaction information into a separate Kafka message broadcast on an independent channel from the one used by the actual database data. One message is sent per transaction or THL event.
replicator.applier.dbms.keyFormatDetermines the format of the message ID
replicator.applier.dbms.requireacksDefines whether when writing messages to the Kafka cluster, how many acknowledgements from Kafka nodes is required
replicator.applier.dbms.retrycountThe number of retries for sending each message
replicator.applier.dbms.txninfoTopicSets the topic name for transaction messages
replicator.applier.dbms.zookeeperStringConnection string for Zookeeper, including hostname and port


DescriptionSets whether the commit time for the source row is embedded into the document
Value Typeboolean
Valid ValuesfalseDo not embed the source database commit time
 trueEmbed the source database commit time into the stored document

Embeds the commit time of the source database row into the document information:

 "_seqno" : "4865",
 "_source_table" : "msg",
 "_committime" : "2017-07-13 15:30:37.0",
 "_source_schema" : "test",
 "record" : {
 "msg" : "Hello Kafka",
 "id" : "2384726"
 "_optype" : "INSERT"


DescriptionEmbed the source schema name and table name in the stored document
Value Typeboolean
Valid ValuesfalseDo not embed the schema or database name in the document
 trueEmbed the source schema name and database name into the stored document

If enabled, the documented stored into Elasticsearch will include the source schema and database name. This can be used to identify the source of the information if the schema and table name is not being used for the index and type names (see replicator.applier.dbms.useSchemaAsIndex and replicator.applier.dbms.useTableAsType).

 "_seqno" : "4865",
 "_source_table" : "msg",
 "_committime" : "2017-07-13 15:30:37.0",
 "_source_schema" : "test",
 "record" : {
 "msg" : "Hello Kafka",
 "id" : "2384726"
 "_optype" : "INSERT"


DescriptionEmbeds transaction information (generated by the rowaddtxninfo filter) into each Kafka message
Value Typeboolean
Valid ValuesfalseDo not include transaction information in each
 trueEmbed transaction information into each Kafka message

Embeds information about the entire transaction information using the data provided by the rowaddtxninfo filter and other information embedded in each THL event into each message sent. The transaction information includes information about the entire transaction (row counts, event ID and tables modified) into each message. Since one message is normally sent for each row of data, by adding the information about the full transaction into the message it's possible to validate and identify what other messages may be part of a single transaction when the messages are being re-assembled by a Kafka client.

For example, when looking at a single message in Kafka, the message includes a txninfo section:

 "_source_table" : "msg",
 "_committime" : "2018-03-07 12:53:21.0",
 "record" : {
 "msg2" : "txinfo",
 "id" : "109",
 "msg" : "txinfo"
 "_optype" : "INSERT",
 "_seqno" : "164",
 "txnInfo" : {
 "schema" : [
 "schemaName" : "msg",
 "rowCount" : "1",
 "tableName" : "msg"
 "rowCount" : "2",
 "schemaName" : "msg",
 "tableName" : "msgsub"
 "serviceName" : "alpha",
 "totalCount" : "3",
 "tungstenTransId" : "164",
 "firstRecordInTransaction" : "true"
 "_source_schema" : "msg"

This block of the overall message includes the following objects and information:

  • schema

    An array of the row counts within this transaction, with a row count included for each schema and table.

  • serviceName

    The name of the Tungsten Replicator service that generated the message.

  • totalCount

    The total number of rows modified within the entire transaction.

  • firstRecordInTransaction

    If this field exists, it should always be set to true and indicats that this message was generated by the first row inserted, updated or deleted in the overall transaction. This effectively indicates the start of the overall transaction.

  • lastRecordInTransaction

    If this field exists, it should always be set to true and indicats that this message was generated by the last row inserted, updated or deleted in the overall transaction. This effectively indicates the end of the overall transaction

Note that this information block is included in every message for each row within an overall transaction. The firstRecordInTransaction and lastRecordInTransaction can be used to identify the start and end of the transaction overall.


DescriptionEmbeds transaction information into a separate Kafka message broadcast on an independent channel from the one used by the actual database data. One message is sent per transaction or THL event.
Value Typeboolean
Valid ValuesfalseDo not generate transaction information
 trueSend transaction information on a separate Kafka topic for each transaction

If enabled, it sends a separate message on a Kafka topic containing information about the entire tranaction. The topic name can be configured by setting the replicator.applier.dbms.txninfoTopic property.

The default message sent will look like the following example:

 "txnInfo" : {
 "tungstenTransId" : "164",
 "schema" : [
 "schemaName" : "msg",
 "rowCount" : "1",
 "tableName" : "msg"
 "schemaName" : "msg",
 "rowCount" : "2",
 "tableName" : "msgsub"
 "totalCount" : "3",
 "serviceName" : "alpha"

This block of the overall message includes the following objects and information:

  • schema

    An array of the row counts within this transaction, with a row count included for each schema and table.

  • serviceName

    The name of the Tungsten Replicator service that generated the message.

  • totalCount

    The total number of rows modified within the entire transaction.


DescriptionDetermines the format of the message ID
Value Typestring
Valid ValuespkeyCombine the primary key column values into a single string
 pkeyusCombine the primary key column values into a single string joined by an underscore character
 tspkeyCombine the schema name, table name, and primary key column values into a single string joined by an underscore character
 tspkeyusCombine the schema name, table name, and primary key column values into a single string

Determines the format of the message ID used when sending the message into Kafka. For example, when configured to use tspkeyus, then the format of the message ID will consist of the schemaname, table name and primary key column information separated by underscores, SCHEMANAME_TABLENAME_234.


DescriptionDefines whether when writing messages to the Kafka cluster, how many acknowledgements from Kafka nodes is required
Value Typestring
Valid Values1Only the lead host should acknowledge receipt of the message
 allAll nodes should acknowledge receipt of the message

Sets the acknowledgement counter for sending messages into the Kafka queue.


DescriptionThe number of retries for sending each message
Value Typenumber

Determines the number of times the message will attempt to be sent before failure.


DescriptionSets the topic name for transaction messages
Value Typestring

Sets the topic name to be used when sending independent transaction information messagesa about each THL event. See replicator.applier.dbms.addtxninfo.


DescriptionConnection string for Zookeeper, including hostname and port
Value Typestring

The string to be used when connecting to Zookeeper. The default is to use port 2181 on the host used by replicator.global.db.host.