Tungsten AMI

Continuent Ltd


This manual documents Tungsten AMI 5.0.

Build date: 2024-09-12 (32370adb)

Up to date builds of this document: Tungsten AMI (Online), Tungsten AMI (PDF)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Overview of Tungsten AMI for Tungsten Clustering
1.1.1. Features
1.1.2. Limitations
1.2. Overview of Tungsten AMI for Tungsten Replicator
1.2.1. Features
1.2.2. Limitations
2. Getting Started with Tungsten AMI for Tungsten Clustering
3. Getting Started with Tungsten AMI for Tungsten Replicator
A. Release Notes
A.1. Tungsten AMI 5.0.0 GA (NYR)
A.2. Tungsten AMI 4.0.0 GA (17 December 2020)
A.3. Tungsten AMI 3.0.0 GA (20 July 2020)
A.4. Tungsten AMI 2.0.0 GA (11 November 2019)
A.5. Tungsten AMI 1.0.0 GA (6 June 2019)

Chapter 1. Introduction

Tungsten AMI refers to a number of pre-configured AMI's (Amazon Machine Images) available to subscribe to via your own Amazon AWS Account. A number of AMI's exist for each valid topology/use case, and are grouped into two categories.

  • Tungsten AMI for Tungsten Clustering consists of a pre-configured AMI containing all the necessary pre-requisites to launch Tungsten Clustering

  • Tungsten AMI for Tungsten Replicator consists of various pre-configured AMI's containing all the necessary pre-requisites to launch a full end-to-end replication pipeline using Tungsten Replicator

1.1. Overview of Tungsten AMI for Tungsten Clustering

Tungsten AMI for Tungsten Clustering can be used to launch a fully functional cluster in your choice of AWS Region(s), along with a fully functional Tungsten Dashboard.

Once an AMI has been subscribed to, it can be launched in one of two ways:

  1. Manually, via the AWS Dashboard.

  2. Via pre-configured Cloud Formation Templates.

For an explanation of each launch method, follow the documentation listed in Chapter 2, Getting Started with Tungsten AMI for Tungsten Clustering

1.1.1. Features

1.1.2. Limitations

1.2. Overview of Tungsten AMI for Tungsten Replicator

Once an AMI has been subscribed to, it can be launched via the AWS Dashboard.

For an more detailed explanation of launching and AMI for Tungsten Replicator, follow the documentation listed in Chapter 3, Getting Started with Tungsten AMI for Tungsten Replicator

1.2.1. Features

1.2.2. Limitations

Chapter 2. Getting Started with Tungsten AMI for Tungsten Clustering

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Chapter 3. Getting Started with Tungsten AMI for Tungsten Replicator

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Appendix A. Release Notes

A.1. Tungsten AMI 5.0.0 GA (NYR)

Version End of Life. Not Yet Set

This AMI release resolves Amazon Linux OS vulnerabilities identified by AWS and a number of small improvements in the deployment Wizard for manual configurations.

Bug Fixes

  • Operating System/3rd Party Packages

    • Addresses OS security vulnerability identifed by AWS (More info at https://alas.aws.amazon.com/AL2/ALAS-2019-1367.html)

    • Deployment Wizard now correctly configures the tungsten.ini for the MongoDB Atlas applier.

      Issues: CT-1161

    • When configuring a cluster-extractor to apply into AWS Redshift, the s3.json configuration fiule would be named incorrectly.

      Issues: CT-1219

A.2. Tungsten AMI 4.0.0 GA (17 December 2020)

Version End of Life. Not Yet Set

This AMI release brings the Tungsten Replicator and Tungsten Clustering AMI's in line with the latest release of the core products, in addition new Cloudformation Templates where released to allow easier deployment of Tungsten Clustering.

Improvements, new features and functionality

  • Installation and Deployment

    • The MongoDB applier now supports replication into MongoDB Atlas.

Bug Fixes

A.3. Tungsten AMI 3.0.0 GA (20 July 2020)

Version End of Life. 17 December 2020

The v3.0 AMI release introduces two new AMI's for Tungsten Clustering.

Known Issues

  • Installation and Deployment

    • Cloudformation support for Composite Active/Active and Composite Active/Passive clusters will only allow all clusters to be deployed within the same AWS region. This will be addressed in a future release.

A.4. Tungsten AMI 2.0.0 GA (11 November 2019)

Version End of Life. 17 December 2020

The v2.0 AMI release includes additional Targets and a more simplified deployment wizard.

Improvements, new features and functionality

  • Behavior Changes

    • Additional support added for the following Targets:

      • Oracle

      • Cassandra

      • Clickhouse

      • Elasticsearch

      • Hadoop

      • MongoDB

    • Support added to allow easy configuration of extraction from, or replication into, an existing Tungsten Cluster.

    • Installation Wizard now makes it easier to enable additional properties, such as SSL and basic filtering

    • Ships with the latest v6.1.1 release of Tungsten Replicator

A.5. Tungsten AMI 1.0.0 GA (6 June 2019)

Version End of Life. 11 November 2019

The first release of the Tungsten AMI on the Amazon Marketplace is available and supports replication out of MySQL (Community Edition, Enterprise Edition, Percona, MariaDB, Amazon RDS/Aurora) into the following targets:

  • MySQL (Community Edition, Enterprise Edition, Percona, MariaDB, Amazon RDS/Aurora)

  • AWS Redshift

  • Vertica

  • PostgreSQL

  • Kafka

Known Issues

  • Installation and Deployment

    • Additional Targets will be supported in a future release.