9.25. The tmonitor Command

Version Support: 6.1.13

The tmonitor command was added in version 6.1.13

tmonitor is a tool for the management and testing of external Prometheus exporters (node and mysqld), and for the testing of internal exporters (Manager, Connector and Replicator).

The tmonitor command is located in the $CONTINUENT_ROOT/tungsten/cluster-home/bin directory.


The tmonitor command will only be available in the PATH if the Tungsten software has been installed with the configuration option profile-script included.

See the table below for a list of valid arguments:

Table 9.62. tmonitor Common Options

--connector, -CSpecify the Tungsten Connector exporter (test and Tungsten Clustering only)
--connectorPortSet the port to access the Connector exporter (default: 8093)
--external, -e, -xOperate only upon External-Scope exporters
--help, -hDisplay help text
--internal, -iOperate only upon Internal-Scope exporters
--manager, -MSpecify the Tungsten Manager exporter (test and Tungsten Clustering only)
--managerPortSet the port to access the Manager exporter (default: 8092)
--mysql, --mysqld, -mSpecify the MySQL exporter
--node, -nSpecify the node exporter
--replicator, -RSpecify the Tungsten Replicator exporter (test only)
--replicatorPortSet the port to access the Replicator exporter (default: 8091)
-t, -TIssue '-t test' to show Tungsten-specific metric lines. Issue '-T test' to show meetric help and headers
--verbose, -v

Exporters that require an external binary to function (i.e. node_exporter and mysqld_exporter) are considered to have an External Scope.

Exporters that do not require an external binary to function (i.e. manager, replicator and connector) are considered to have an Internal Scope.

By default, tmonitor {action} will act upon all available exporters.

If any exporter is specified on the CLI, then only those listed on the CLI will be acted upon.

The curl command must be available in the PATH for the status and test actions to function.

tmonitor status will use curl to test the exporter on localhost.

tmonitor test will use curl to fetch and print the metrics from one or more exporters on localhost.

tmonitor install will configure the specified exporter (or all external exporters if none is specified) to start at boot.

tmonitor remove will stop the specified exporter (or all external exporters if none is specified) from starting at boot.

Both the install and remove actions will attempt to auto-detect the boot sub-system. Currently, init.d and systemd are supported.

shell> tmonitor help
>>> Usage:

   tmonitor [args] {action}

   = Actions available for all exporter scopes:

      status - validate the service via curl (short output)
      test - validate the service via curl (full output)

   = Actions available for External-scope exporters only:

      start - launch the exporter process
      stop - kill the exporter process

      install - configure the exporter to start at boot
      remove - stop the exporter from starting at boot

>>> Arguments:


   [-i|--internal] Only act upon exporters with an internal scope 
   [-e|-x|--external] Only act upon exporters with an external scope 

   --internal and --external may not be specified together.

   = Internal Scope Exporters:

     [-C|--connector] Specify the Tungsten Connector exporter
     [-M|--manager] Specify the Tungsten Manager exporter
     [-R--replicator] Specify the Tungsten Replicator exporter

   = External Scope Exporters:

     [-m|--mysql|--mysqld] Specify the MySQL exporter
     [-n|--node] Specify the Node exporter

Example: View the status of all exporters:

shell> tmonitor status
Tungsten Connector exporter running ok
Tungsten Manager exporter running ok
MySQL exporter running ok
Node exporter running ok
Tungsten Replicator exporter running ok
All exporters running ok (Up: Tungsten Connector, Tungsten Manager, MySQL, Node, Tungsten Replicator)

Example: Start all exporters:

shell> tmonitor start
tungsten@db1-demo:/home/tungsten # tmonitor start
Node exporter started successfully on port 9100.
MySQL exporter started successfully on port 9104.

shell> tmonitor start
The Node exporter is already running
The MySQL exporter is already running

Example: Test all exporters:

shell> tmonitor test | wc -l

shell> tmonitor test | grep '== '
== Metrics for the connector exporter:
== Metrics for the manager exporter:
== Metrics for the mysql exporter:
== Metrics for the node exporter:
== Metrics for the replicator exporter:

shell> tmonitor test | less

Example: Stop all exporters:

shell> tmonitor stop
All exporters stopped

Example: View the status of all exporters filtered by scope:

shell> tmonitor status -i
Tungsten Connector exporter running ok
Tungsten Manager exporter running ok
Tungsten Replicator exporter running ok
All internal exporters running ok (Up: Tungsten Connector, Tungsten Manager, Tungsten Replicator)

shell> tmonitor status -x
MySQL exporter running ok
Node exporter running ok
All external exporters running ok (Up: MySQL, Node)

Example: Install init.d boot scripts for all external exporters:

shell> tmonitor install
ERROR: You must be root to install or remove boot services.

Please be sure to run tmonitor as root via sudo, for example:

sudo /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/bin/tmonitor install

shell> sudo /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/bin/tmonitor install
node_exporter init.d boot script installed and activated

Use either `sudo service node_exporter start` or `tmonitor --node start` now to start the Node exporter.

mysqld_exporter init.d boot script installed and activated

Use either `sudo service mysqld_exporter start` or `tmonitor --mysql start` now to start the MySQL exporter.

Example: Install systemd boot scripts for all external exporters:

shell> tmonitor install
ERROR: You must be root to install or remove boot services.

Please be sure to run tmonitor as root via sudo, for example:

sudo /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/bin/tmonitor install

shell> sudo /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/bin/tmonitor install
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/node_exporter.service to /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service.
node_exporter systemd boot script installed and enabled

Use either `sudo systemctl start node_exporter` or `tmonitor --node start` now to start the Node exporter.

Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/mysqld_exporter.service to /etc/systemd/system/mysqld_exporter.service.
mysqld_exporter systemd boot script installed and enabled

Use either `sudo systemctl start mysqld_exporter` or `tmonitor --mysql start` now to start the MySQL exporter.

Example: Remove init.d boot scripts for all external exporters:

shell> tmonitor remove
ERROR: You must be root to install or remove boot services.

Please be sure to run tmonitor as root via sudo, for example:

sudo /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/bin/tmonitor remove

shell> sudo /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/bin/tmonitor remove
node_exporter is still running, unable to remove. Please run either `tmonitor --node stop` or `sudo service node_exporter stop`, then retry this operation...

shell> tmonitor stop
Node exporter stopped
MySQL exporter stopped

shell> sudo /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/bin/tmonitor remove
node_exporter init.d boot script de-activated and removed
mysqld_exporter init.d boot script de-activated and removed

Example: Remove systemd boot scripts for all external exporters:

shell> tmonitor stop
Node exporter stopped
MySQL exporter stopped

shell> tmonitor remove
ERROR: You must be root to install or remove boot services.

Please be sure to run tmonitor as root via sudo, for example:

sudo /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/bin/tmonitor remove

shell> sudo /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/bin/tmonitor remove
node_exporter systemd unit boot script disabled and removed
mysqld_exporter systemd unit boot script disabled and removed