Appendix C. Upgrade the Tungsten Dashboard


C.1. Manually Updating the Tungsten Dashboard Software

Manually Download and Upgrade the Tungsten Dashboard Software


Please change the example values below to match your specific environment.

As user tungsten, download the software using the temporary URL provided by Continuent, or login to the web download portal to obtain the software (, then copy the updated application files to the web root directory, overwriting the existing ones:

shell> sudo su - tungsten

## Set the WEBROOT env var for convenience
For example:
shell> WEBROOT=/volumes/data/www/tungsten/html

## Make a backup of current Dashboard directory
shell> tar cvzf backup.tar.gz $WEBROOT

## Obtain the software package and cd to extracted dir
shell> wget -O tungsten-dashboard-1.0.11-1.tar.gz 'TEMP_URL_PROVIDED_BY_CONTINUENT'
shell> tar xvzf tungsten-dashboard-1.0.11-1.tar.gz
shell> cd tungsten-dashboard-1.0.11-1

## CHeck what would be updated with:
shell> rsync -acvn html/ $WEBROOT/

## Perform the actual upgrade with:
shell> rsync -acv html/ $WEBROOT/


Your config.php will NOT be overwritten. The software package contains only config.php.sample, so there is no risk of affecting your settings during an upgrade.

Version Support: 1.0.11

There is a new config.php file with this version, and along with it, a migration tool called upgrade_config.php to easily install the new config.php file, while still maintaining all of your existing settings. The upgrade_config.php feature was first introduced in Tungsten Dashboard version 1.0.11-1


To use the upgrade_config.php commaand, please complete all the above upgrade steps first!

shell> cd $WEBROOT
For example:
shell> cd /volumes/data/www/tungsten/html/

shell> ./upgrade_config.php `pwd`


The upgrade_config.php tool should be RUN ONLY ONCE!

C.2. Self-Updating the Tungsten Dashboard Software

Automatically Download and Upgrade the Tungsten Dashboard Software

Version Support: 1.0.9

This feature was first introduced in Tungsten Dashboard version 1.0.9-61


Figure C.1. Tungsten Dashboard Self-Update Menu Option

Tungsten Dashboard Self-Update Menu Option

You may see a No Update Available message like this:

Figure C.2. Tungsten Dashboard No Update Available

Tungsten Dashboard No Update Available

You may also see a New Version Available message like this:

Figure C.3. Tungsten Dashboard Self-Update Form

Tungsten Dashboard Self-Update Form

  • Click the "Update Now" button to invoke the upgrade. There is no confirmation prompt, the upgrade begins immediately.

  • When the upgrade is complete, simply refresh the page fully to get the new version.

  • You may need to clear cache and refresh the page again to ensure the latest scripts and styles are loaded properly.

Figure C.4. Tungsten Dashboard Self-Update Success

Tungsten Dashboard Self-Update Success