Chapter 7. Configure the Apache 2 Web Server

Please change the example values below to match your specific environment.


Please change the example values below to match your specific environment.

7.1. Example: Web Server on Amazon Linux 2

  • Add the apache user to the tungsten group:

    shell> sudo usermod -a -G tungsten apache
  • Create the apache configuration file for the web service:

    shell> sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/z01-tungsten-dashboard.conf

    For Apache version 2.2:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    	DocumentRoot /volumes/data/www/tungsten/html
    	DirectoryIndex index.php
        Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
        ErrorLog "| /usr/sbin/rotatelogs /volumes/data/www/tungsten/logs/errors.log 86400"
        CustomLog "| /usr/sbin/rotatelogs /volumes/data/www/tungsten/logs/access.log 86400" combined
    	<Directory "/volumes/data/www/tungsten/html">
    		AllowOverride All
    		Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI -Indexes
    		Order allow,deny
    		Allow from all
    		#AuthType Basic
    		#AuthName "Tungsten Dashboard - RESTRICTED"
    		#AuthUserFile /volumes/data/www/tungsten/etc/.htpasswd
    		#Require valid-user

    For Apache version 2.4 with no authentication or Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    	DocumentRoot /volumes/data/www/tungsten/html
    	DirectoryIndex index.php
        ErrorLog "| /usr/sbin/rotatelogs /volumes/data/www/tungsten/logs/errors.log 86400"
        CustomLog "| /usr/sbin/rotatelogs /volumes/data/www/tungsten/logs/access.log 86400" combined
    	<Directory "/volumes/data/www/tungsten/html">
    		AllowOverride All
    		Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI -Indexes
    		Order allow,deny
    		Allow from all
    		Require all granted

    For Apache version 2.4 with auth and RBAC using Basic Auth with an htpasswd-generated file:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    	DocumentRoot /volumes/data/www/tungsten/html
    	DirectoryIndex index.php
        ErrorLog "| /usr/sbin/rotatelogs /volumes/data/www/tungsten/logs/errors.log 86400"
        CustomLog "| /usr/sbin/rotatelogs /volumes/data/www/tungsten/logs/access.log 86400" combined
    	<Directory "/volumes/data/www/tungsten/html">
    		AllowOverride All
    		Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI -Indexes
    		Order allow,deny
    		Allow from all
    		#Require all granted
    			AuthType Basic
    			AuthName "Tungsten Dashboard - RESTRICTED"
    			AuthUserFile /volumes/data/www/tungsten/etc/.htpasswd
    			Require valid-user

    For Apache version 2.4 with auth and RBAC using Basic Auth via LDAP:

    shell> sudo yum install -y mod_ldap
    <VirtualHost *:80>
    	DocumentRoot /volumes/data/www/tungsten/html
    	DirectoryIndex index.php
        ErrorLog "| /usr/sbin/rotatelogs /volumes/data/www/tungsten/logs/errors.log 86400"
        CustomLog "| /usr/sbin/rotatelogs /volumes/data/www/tungsten/logs/access.log 86400" combined
    	<Directory "/volumes/data/www/tungsten/html">
    		AllowOverride All
    		Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI -Indexes
    		Order allow,deny
    		Allow from all
    		#Require all granted
                        AuthType Basic 
                        AuthName "Tungsten Dashboard - RESTRICTED" 
                        AuthBasicProvider ldap 
                        AuthLDAPURL ldap://,DC=demo,DC=com?sAMAccountName?sub 
                        AuthLDAPBindPassword abcdef123456
                        Require ldap-group CN=DataServicesAdmins,OU=SQL,OU=Groups,OU=London,OU=NewYork,OU=United States,OU=North America,DC=ad,DC=demo,DC=com 
                        Require valid-user 
  • Check the configuration and restart the web server:

    shell> sudo apachectl configtest
    shell> sudo apachectl restart
  • To use Apache Basic Authentication, edit the Apache configuration file appropriate to your version (2.2. or 2.4, see below), then run the below three commands:

    • To use Apache 2.2 Basic Authentication, uncomment the four commented-out lines in the example.

    • To use Apache 2.4 Basic Authentication, select one of the above two example RBAC configs and edit the Apache configuration file accordingly.

    shell> htpasswd -c /volumes/data/www/tungsten/etc/.htpasswd {desiredlogin}
    shell> sudo apachectl configtest
    shell> sudo apachectl graceful
  • To enable RBAC security, the $WEBROOT/config.json file will need to be updated with two settings: "enableRBAC": 1 and "administrators": [], for example:

        "clusters": {
        "menus": {
        "settings": {
            "administrators": [ "tungsten","admin","root" ],

    When RBAC is enabled (requires web server Basic Auth to be working fully), there are just two roles currently:

    • admistrator - which gives read-write access to everything to any valid login listed in the "administrators":[] option in the config file.

    • operator - which is read-only and is the role given to anyone with a valid login


There are additional steps to take when SELinux is enabled.

shell> sudo -i
shell> semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/var/www/tungsten/html(/.*)?"
shell> restorecon -Rv /var/www/tungsten/*
shell> semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 8090
shell> setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
shell> systemctl restart httpd
shell> systemctl restart php-fpm

Be sure to check in the audit.log for any denied messages containing http or php.

7.2. Example: Web Server on Ubuntu

This sequence of steps to install and configure Apache 2 and HAProxy on Ubuntu was derived from a session with a customer. YMMV as always.

  • Generate the custom frontend and backend definitions for HAProxy, and prepare the cluster for updates to the configuration of the cluster nodes, if you have not done them already:

    On a single database node per cluster:

    tungsten@db1 shell> tpm generate-haproxy-for-api
    tungsten@db1 shell> echo 'set policy maintenance' | cctrl
  • Update the cluster configuration to support the REST APIv2.

    On all database nodes:

    tungsten@dbN shell> vi /etc/tungsten/tungsten.ini
    ==> Ensure that the rest api settings have been added to the above!
    tungsten@dbN shell> tpm update
    tungsten@dbN shell> tapi ping
    ==> Create the REST API admin user if you did not do so at install time:
    tungsten@dbN shell> tapi --create --create-user tungsten --create-password secret
  • AFTER all tpm updates have been completed, return the cluster to AUTOMATIC mode.:

    On a single database node per cluster:

    tungsten@db1 shell> echo 'set policy automatic' | cctrl
  • Update the /etc/hosts file to ensure all nodes are reachable.

    On the Dashboard web server, perform the following steps as the root user or use sudo for all steps:

    tungsten@db1 shell> XXX
    shell# nslookup
    shell# vi /etc/hosts
    ==> Ensure this server's hostname exists in the hosts file
    ==> Ensure that all database nodes exist in the hosts file
  • Install Apache 2 and all other needed software on the Dashboard web server:

    shell# apt update
    shell# apt install apache2
    shell# systemctl start apache2
    shell# systemctl enable apache2 
    shell# systemctl status apache2 
    shell# apache2 -V 
    shell# apt install php php-curl libapache2-mod-php jq socat haproxy
    shell# vi /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini 
    ==>    enable extension=php_curl by removing the leading semi-colon (;)
    shell# systemctl restart apache2
  • In this example, the customer placed the Tungsten Dashboard web root directory onto an NFS mount, so we needed to create that set of directories before installing the Dashboard package:

    shell# mkdir -p /nfs/tungsten/html /nfs/tungsten/etc /nfs/tungsten/logs
    shell# chown -R www-data: /nfs/tungsten
    shell# chmod -R ug+rw /nfs/tungsten
  • Create the .htpassword file to provide Basic Authorization functionality.

    shell# htpasswd -c /nfs/tungsten/etc/.htpasswd tungsten
    shell# cat /nfs/tungsten/etc/.htpasswd
  • Install the Tungsten Daashboard software package from your home directory into the web root directory, on NFS in this case:

    shell# cd
    shell# tar xvzf tungsten-dashboard-1.0.15-10.tar.gz
    shell# cd tungsten-dashboard-1.0.15-10
    shell# cp html/config.php.sample html/config.php
    shell# rsync -a html/ /nfs/tungsten/html/
    shell# vi /nfs/tungsten/html/config.json
    ==> Update the administrators entry if needed:
    "administrators":[ tungsten ],
    ==> Update the enableRBAC entry to 1:
  • Configure the Dashboard virtualhost in Apache2:

    For example Apache 2 conf file entries, please see the above section Section 7.1, “Example: Web Server on Amazon Linux 2”.

    shell# less /etc/apache2/envvars
    shell# less /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
    shell# vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
    ==> Edit the existing section to add the needed items
    shell# apachectl configtest
    shell# systemctl restart apache2
    shell# systemctl status apache2
    shell# journalctl -xe
    shell# cat /var/log/apache2/error.log
  • Validate that the Dashboard web server host is able to reach all the nodes:

    shell> for host in db1 db2 db3 db4 db5 db6; do
        ping $host
        #telnet $host 8090 
        /usr/bin/curl -s --insecure --user tungsten:secret 'http://${host}:8090/api/v2/manager/status' | jq . 
  • Configure and test HAProxy:

    shell# systemctl enable haproxy 
    shell# systemctl start haproxy 
    shell# systemctl status haproxy
    shell# vi /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
    shell# systemctl restart haproxy
    shell# systemctl status haproxy
    shell# socat stdio /var/run/haproxy.sock | grep -i stat
    shell> telnet localhost 8201
    shell> telnet localhost 8202
    shell> telnet localhost 8203
    shell> /usr/bin/curl -s --insecure --user tungsten:secret 'http://localhost:8201/api/v2/manager/status' | jq .
    shell> /usr/bin/curl -s --insecure --user tungsten:secret 'http://localhost:8202/api/v2/manager/status' | jq .
    shell> /usr/bin/curl -s --insecure --user tungsten:secret 'http://localhost:8203/api/v2/manager/status' | jq .